UB Parking 2009

bill convert the denali to a snky repo truck. move shit so you can park.

best part of having your department in Ellicott is parking. Especially this year, not many cars in any of the parking lots

how do you know that the motorcycle parking area wasn’t full when they overflowed into the car spot? making an assumption like that :meh2:

or he could be a dick. who knows?

Well, I didn’t make any accusations other than seeing that would really annoy me if I were trying to park.

In any case, I’m pretty sure he was just being a dick…

Just because his car is gay doesn’t mean he’s taking up 2 spots. Obviously the same guy that painted this lot is the same guy that did this:


Take it up with him.

Reminded me of this:

Huh. I wonder how well you would get away with this. If you get caught though…I wonder what fines would be given.

im getting the paid parking deal for in front of fronzcak

me too, i guess its like $70 per semester, and 100 for the year… basically the cost of a text book for no daily headaches

<3 those who acknowledged my bikes color confusion…

Double <3 to those who know its yellow (cougarspeed.)



thats were I park :slight_smile:

:fu: It is orange.

I did it for 4 years no issue.

Try parking your 23ft truck in their 20ft parking spaces.

You do the math, the truck fits in maybe 10 spots on the whole North Campus, I’m disgusted every day to find a light blue Mini Cooper always parked in one of them…:bush:

Free PARKING TODAY in Park Hall Lot… the machine is busted… lol.

I do not miss the days of UB parking and I hate that i didnt know about hte pay lot until senior year.