UB students, whats up with DC++? (Edit: UP!)

Anyone know whats going on and why the hub hasnt been active lately?

I went there the other day to DL a bunch of stuff before my account gets locked and I could not get on. Bizaro is also gone…

Sucks, I knew I should have DL all the stuff when I graduated in June…

Well, a safe assumption would be that the hub owner graduated/moved, but I thought usually someone takes over when that happens

According to a reliable source, it’s in the process of changing hands…should be back up before school

grabass, did josh graduate?

If you are talking about Josh P, he gave it up a while ago. He’s not on campus, married, and doesn’t go to UB any more.

If I graduated this past spring, does anyone know how long until I get locked out?

6 months after graduation your ubitname will be locked

Thanks, good to know I still have time

Josh W graduated last December.

hey guys, i tried to log onto resnetster earlier and can’t … whats up with that?!

The connection on campus was doodoo pretty much the entire day… Not sure if they are doing maintenance or if there was just an abundance of new residents trying to log on

It sucked, i would VPN in and get like 2 mb down… it was awesome… then they killed the VPN line in… so it ws no use to me anymore

its not josh p he stopped like 4 or 5 years ago… then i had it for a little bit… now its in the hands of another kid. what he does with it is up to him.

if it comes up it comes up.

HAHA resnester was FUN!

Newish to UB what is DC++

it’s kind of like super AIDS

yes twom…too bad buffalo is pretty dry as far as IT jobs go :frowning:

that’s why everyone should move to Raleigh!!!

Basically it’s similar to limewire and the likes. A good filesharing program that you have to be connected to UBs network to be able to use. You can download shit at ridiculous speeds. I’ve had 20+ mb/sec.