UB students

I need to find 2 articles about 2 buildings that have been historically preserved, and find background on them

I go to ub, but dont know

  1. what database to search to look for this stuff

  2. how to access it from my home computer


go to MyUB.buffalo.edu, and navigate to the libraries page from there. the problem is, alot of the databases are free only from the campus computers, so if you access from home it might not let you in without paying. your almost better off just doing it in the library on the library’s home page.

You shouldnt have to pay, if it asks you to pay try this:
1.) if you dont have it, get the VPN client from UB
2.)connect to vpn, then try the whole libraries thing


95% sure you don’t need the VPN client, you just have to login

100% sure u dont need vpn. if ur on campus u dont need to login. if ur off-campus, then use your ubitname and password to login

im off campus, but I do have the vpn client

what site do you use to navigate through journals and all that


click: catalog -> connect to bison catalog