uber affordable WB O2


just came across it, and figured i would share


Awesome find.

im thinking about buying one to work it in to my “how to tune your turbo POS” write up

is it any good?


thats cool i may have to pick one of these up

Holy shit, this is exactly what I was looking for in terms of display style. Excellent find, wonder how hard it would be to switch it over to a vacuum-florescent display instead though.


Holy shit, this is exactly what I was looking for in terms of display style. Excellent find, wonder how hard it would be to switch it over to a vacuum-florescent display instead though.


Sounds like it might involve some trial and error… But vaccum florescent’s are awesome :wink:

And DAM thats friggn cheap compared to any other option…

Indeed, and it would match the rest of the instrumentation. Now if only I could find a square Digital VFD boost gauge. :slight_smile:

wow that is stoopid cheap

you still need to buy a sensor and cable, but it should come up just under 150 with a display. the lc-1 is only25-50 more (but without a display).

i like it…
looks like a nice simple design.

too bad they do not source just the boards.
you could probably sample out most of the components for free.


i like it…
looks like a nice simple design.

too bad they do not source just the boards.
you could probably sample out most of the components for free.



or even a schematic… ;0
www.4pcb.com has good prices on boards.