UBRF Is Back?????

The other day when a 240 rolled by I remembered the days when I had a crush on Julie and all her Nissan knowledge…

Aw man, legal lawsuits are the worst kind of lawsuit.

Anybody wanna help me work on an FD? Viper966

when did viper have an FD??

oh shiet towaga’s top speed run thread is on there. where he filled out his will and put it on the passengers seat

so is my cf hood gb

So it says I am an active member, but nothing works?

oh dip fnkmaster!

Its insane to think some of you have been ethugging and whatnot for almost a DECADE

lol yep… I wish i remember my username/password…

Twistedcavy, xtremecavy, slopoke, juicedcavy… shit i dont remember… I just remember when joes 14sec teg was the shit lol, and spraying my 2.2 cavalier with a 300shot was cool

  1. A local-to-Buffalo automotive forum filled with drama, oversized aluminum wings, body-kits, underbody glow, and a few pieces of pertinent and useful information about cars.
  1. UBRacingForum
  1. A tall malt beverage comparable to a 40.
    OH NOES, Sleepy banned me for spamming the UBRF off-topic section and bumping my for-sale thread!!!11eleven1!


She loved pancakes…

I want this site back…

:frowning: It won’t let me register.

I remember when I was in highschool driving by the COmputer City plaza and seeing all the cars in the parking lot with the neons on and the cops car’s sitting in the now Rosa’s plaza. I wanted a cool car at that point of my life to join but never finished my car in time :frowning:

I just seen my old ubrf shirt that toda gave me when i first met him

it was our first true sign of domestic and import love

Yeah I’m glad the whole car scene thing went away before I pissed away thousands on modding. :tup:

It could very well be a phishing scam. A lot of you are trying to log into a website that is owned by someone you don’t even know, who is probably logging all entry attempts. He’s successfully spoofing you all into thinking that UBRF is UBRF, when it is just a site where you’re now inputting your login info and passwords!

He could then look at your profiles, match up your e-mail addresses and hope to gain access to your more personal information.

I’m hoping that nobody here gets their Identity stolen by this guy going through your e-mail, finding old records of your credit card statements, bank account info, etc.


Ya the company is known for jacking expired domains. They got a simple site rip out of a cache and who knows where they are dumping these login and password attemps.

I hope you guys dont have the same email/password combo on there that you tried as the same combo for your facebook/bank/school/email/etc.

lol, my UBRF password was 12345 so I could let people see funny shit when i sent them links

Yeah I am not BigRonsAudi anywhere else

if they get into my RIT email account I hope they send me some of the crap in there