UB's Distinguished Speaker Series

Anybody ever go to these? I’ve been to a bunch, and they’ve almost always been really good. I’ve seen John Glenn, Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, and I listened to the Dalai Llama on the radio. Looking back on the list there’s a bunch more that I wish I’d gone to.


Here’s this year’s list.


It may be interesting to see Arianna Huffington and Mary Matalin debate. Maybe they’ll get into a cat fight. Greg Mortensen looks interesting, Schwarzenegger is coming in January, I definitely want to see Cory Booker, and even J Craig Venter looks interesting. I guess it’s really just the oceanographer and the Indian chick that don’t look all that interesting.

Just an FYI for anyone that didn’t know about these. It’s open to the public. Tickets are about $30 bucks for non-UB-undergrads, unless it’s a big name like the Terminator in which case they’re $50.

The only one I went to was Conan

It was pretty awesome. Looking back, I wish I had gone to more of them.

I want to go to a few of these if I can bum a UB card from someone I can sort of pass for

It’s got to be a UB undergrad ID too. It’s the undergrad distinguished speaker series so even my ID doesn’t get me a discount anymore.

Ugh, where am I going to find a white undergrad at UB

More interested in this than anything UB is doing this year.


My ID still works for the Canisius events so I can go see Roberts if I want. I gotta see if there’s going to be a Q&A session. I really don’t want to sit there and listen to how you should always side with the rich guy over the poor guy, the corporation over the individual, etc. if I can’t at least ask a question.

Yeah, because Otis McDonald was definitely a rich and powerful guy.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I cant think of one other case where Roberts was right. He was supposed to be semi moderate but he’s just as bad as Scalia and Thomas, but worse because he has more power.

I regret not going to more of these, but getting free tickets as an undergrad took some dedication and good timing. I almost always had to skip class and wait in line for hours to get tickets to the more popular speakers. There were a few really good ones that I look back and really wish I had not missed.

I saw Bill Clinton too, but I don’t think it was part of this. I should have taken off work to go see the Dalai Llama at the stadium.

i heard about the arnold deal, i’d like to see him. i guess i need to see what the alumni deal is. the only one i ever took advantage of was jon stewart; he was hilarious



I loved them. I saw about 15 of them in my years there. Really great to see these people talk and usually are informative and also funny.

I am definitely going to Arnold.