
Anybody know much about Ubuntu? I just installed it and anything display related is ass slow. I.E. dragging/resizing a window. Also, if I try to turn my resolution down from 1280x1024 it crashes. The only refresh rate listed at 1024x768 is 85Hz, which my monitor cannot handle. I’m kind of thinking I need to hack a driver for my Radeon 9600 XT. Maybe?

Oh yeah, I froze the ap bar right away too.

Oh, and I had audio, then I rebooted and didn’t, then I rebooted and did. :bloated:

Not impressed thus far…

Apparently I didn’t setup the ATI driver that I thought I had downloaded and installed.

ubuntu is a pretty nice os. im fairly familiar with it. but i have to say ubuntuforums.org will be a better source of info then you will find here

Yeah, ubuntuforums.org is pretty bomb. I’m on Ubuntu right now, never used Linux with an ATI card tho. If you want a quick answer non-ATI related shoot me a message. Be sure to check google and the forums first tho, I can usually find everything I need doing that.

Kubuntu for the slow yet pretty win

were you able to figure out the refresh rate problem yet? That option is a son of a bitch… seriously took me 3 days to figure out (and 2 fresh installs). Sweet OS though… just wish I could find a more “windows”-ish interface for it.

get kubuntu

its ubuntu with K Desktop Environment. very windows-ish but its more of a hog. if u have an up to date machine it should run no problems.

i was running it with a p4 512mb ram and it was good.

FightinMike is running it and his runs great with a gig of ram

I have a P3 733 with 256… I imagine it would be pretty slow :\

although, I do have some extra memory (and “should” have an extra 512 of SD coming my way)

yeah, i would stick with ubuntu

Just had to setup the display driver.