
Anyone here have any experience running Ubuntu?



y do you ask?

Im sure sonny has the answer, anyone else who disagrees with sonny is obviously wrong… I think we should have a computer forum in pittspeed dedicated to Fshocars… Just a suggestion.

he does.

When individuals are typically successful at most things that they do in life, they become strong in their opinions. (sonny)

When individuals suck at life (having blown engines more than running for example Burnyd), they become jealous of the others strong opinions based on the other individual’s excellent experiences.

BUT that doesn’t mean that they are always correct and cannot make a flawed move…remember…being successful doesn’t remove human error.

I have ubuntu running on my dinosaur downstairs…what do you want to know?

I’ve run several versions of Ubuntu. None currently right now.

linux is gay, no matter what version you use.

i’m going to run two OSs: XP for games and a small linux distro for everything else.

Ubuntu is such a noobish Linux distro…at least have the self respect to run something like Fedora. Ubuntu is Linux-lite.

My favorite linux distro of all time is Gentoo, followed closely by PCLinuxOS. I’ve installed Ubuntu for a couple of people that wanted to try it out for basic email, web surfing, entertainment purposes and had few complaints and the shortest learning curve of all the distros.

I’ve played several games using Wine.

I haven’t worked much with Gentoo, but if I recall it’s pretty hardcore for a new home PC or laptop user. Plus, I don’t like it’s weird init/run level system. It’s definitely a 1337 distro though.

I really think that free Red Hat flavors (Fedora, CentOS, ect) are the best choice for your home Linux user (and conversely, I prefer RHEL for the Enterprise environment).

One of the nice features of Ubuntu is that it comes on a Live CD that allows you to run it as a system OS without installing it on a hard drive to get the feel for it. I have the last distribution on CD if you want it.

Start with Ubuntu. It’s noobish, but as such it isn’t as much as a pain in the ass to learn as some of the other flavors of Linux like Fedora or Red Hat. Also, if you’re going to do a dual-boot XP box, read up on GRUB, and if you need help let me know. I played with dual-boot Microsoft/Linux boxes for a couple of projects in one of my past classes.


Dell is shipping Ubuntu on home computers they sell with Linux. On workstations, it’s RH 4 or 5. That should tell you something must be good about Ubuntu?

lol… maybe some day you’ll have input that people will actually care to read?

i enjoy red hat and suse… ubuntu is surely good for someone that wants a lot of things prepackaged and installed by default… i boot to runlevel 2 (custom) anyway… :kekegay:

Dell is shipping Ubuntu on home computers they sell with Linux. On workstations, it’s RH 4 or 5. That should tell you something must be good about Ubuntu?

Not really. :smiley:

suse? isn’t that novell’s flavor? what are you using it for?

red hat = nice.

Dell is shipping Ubuntu on home computers they sell with Linux. On workstations, it’s RH 4 or 5. That should tell you something must be good about Ubuntu?

Yeah, maybe they’ll decide to ship them with NIC drivers on a CD too, so when you re-install your OS and the Dell tech support tells you to get your lousy proprietary drivers from the Dell site, you can actually GO to the Dell site.

yes, it’s novell!
SUSE is used for multimedia development… we use integrated directory services with microsoft ad and allow the developers to use network based accounts on both platforms. YaST is a cool installer for peopel that don’t know linux… so we don’t have to deal with people that never used linux or installed apps on linux… apparmor is also bundled and it allows you to have easy system administration on the application level… plus it’s easy to bang out polices across machines. i’ve seen other companies use SUSE for multimedia development…

:kekegay: I know, it’s bad sometimes.