UFC 84

when you make 40mil in PPV id expect fighters to get a little more. yeah theres only 3-4 fights a night in boxing but the headliners make 2-3 times what the UFC pays out for there whole lineup put together. Dana makes sure anyone who complains doesnt fight or gets clowned on where in boxing promoters like don king make sure fighters get what they are worth. Also in boxing you can get sponsors and make money off that Dana wont let anyone advertise unless he gives the ok. If a guy is making 30k fighting for you helping make your event let him advertise what he wants to pad his check its not costing the UFC anything and fighters would be happier.
I guess im still a union guy at heart and feel if someone is making that kind of money off of you, you should get fair pay. If they were making 3-5mil an event then id say fuck it they are getting plenty of money, but when your paying out 1.3 mil on an event where you made 50mil get real