I never saw any threads on UFC so i figured i ask. does anyone on here watch it?
i cant get enough of liddell beating the shit out of everyone, fuck is he strong.

UFC 66 i think had the liddell and ortiz fight. prob 1 of the best fights ive seen on UFC

I was hoping Tito would have won that fight! But it was great to watch!

But local boy Jason McDonald is getting fun to watch, especially after Choking the shit outta Chris Leben!!

I predict Jason McDonald to beat Rich Franklin and I’m gonna say Couture over Sylvia!!


I hope that arrogant fuck Huges gets knocked out again but its not likely. I hope all of the Ohio boys get beat they seemed arrogant when they all had the belts it was awsome seeing Rich get his nose smeared all over his face. It would be sweet if Couture wins.

i didnt think he was going to win that fight… he got lucky by chocking him. he was getting his ass handed to him. nice to see and edmonton fighter on UFC :smiley:


i didnt think he was going to win that fight… he got lucky by chocking him. he was getting his ass handed to him. nice to see and edmonton fighter on UFC :D[/quote]

He is from RedDeer and his family live in Sylvan Lake if you look at his trunks they say Contenders sports bar that is a Sylvan Pub. He used to train at Hardbodies Gym in RedDeer then he went to a gym in Edmonton I think he now trains out of New Mexico.

Cro-cop, and st. pierre have to be my favorites, anyone watch MMA or k-1?

st pierre is my favorite just cuz hes not a cocky a hole most of the time and can still whoop some ass
but grant macewan cable licks the balls and i havnt watched ufc in months

When I seen Cro cop fight at the last UFC, I couldn’t remember where I had watched him fight before. It was K1!!! I love K1 fighting, especially the Grand Prix - no weight class anyone against anyone. Speaking of which right at this moment its on the Fight Network 1 of my fav K1 fighters is fighting… Hong Man Choi 7’2 362 lbs is fighting kaoklai 5’11 - 170lbs right now!! lol

So I am thinking Serra over GSP in the first on tonights UFC. Also gunning for Koscheck to win over Sanchez. :axe:


well ya sure had it pegged!! Both people I don’t like won their fights!

But that Garcia and Huerta… Now that was a fuckin awesome fight!!

HAHAHHAHA anyone watching the fight?

i wont post the results of the liddell fight

was a shitty fight though.

Gota love FTA satellite.

watched it at canadian brewhouse. . . i wasn’t disappointed. . .i won some money over it :smiley: :partyman:

i as so surprised at how fast the fight was, i really wanted to see some good action!

It was horrible!

BUT… To give the winner credit. He has worked hard to get to that position! ahh fuck it I’m sure everyone watched it!

Rampage had to kick some serious ass to get to this title shot! I think he’s gonna stay at the top for a bit! Rampage vs Henderson on June 16. I predict Rampage will defend and keep his title!

Chuck is my fav fighter, but ya can’t stay at the top forever!