UFC 66: Liddell vs. Ortiz 2


December 30 …Liddell got lucky the first time now Ortiz is going to beat the piss out of him ground and pound stylez!

Cant wait !

HA liddell is going to destroy ortiz

hahaha i dont think you know anything about anything.

ortiz couldnt shoot and take down FORREST GRIFFIN. he couldnt even keep him down in the later rounds.

griffins sprawl < liddels

how will he ever keep liddel down when even couture and better wrestlers cant keep him on the mat?

not to mention ortiz got out striked by griffin also…

griffins standup < liddels


dont get me wrong, i want ortiz to win.

i cant wait to see this… i hope ortiz pwnz him

^^^ fuck yeah… cant wait…
Its going to be a good fight i bet.,

:bloated: ok we’ll have to wait and see :wink:

want to have an avatar bet on it? loser has to change their avatar to whatever the winner requests for a month.

tito will not win ( even though I want him to )

I can’t stand Ortiz he’s a punk. Iceman all the way

Liddell all the way. I’m sure Ortiz will do better this time, but I highly doubt he is going to win. Tito could dominate the whole fight, catch one right from Liddell and goodnight. But I think Liddell is going to dominate, just not as well as last time. Tito is a better fighter then he was. I hear the winner of the Griffin/Jardine fight gets a title shot.

Also, I hear they are going to announce that Crocop is now a UFC fighter. If true, Tim Sylvia can kiss his title goodbye.


Mark we are watching it at my place if you want in. Let me know what your doing for it either way.

Tito will probably do better than last time, but I can’t see him beating Chuck. I don’t have satellite Tv or anything so I guess I’m going to have to wait a few days to watch it :(.

i gotta go into work tonight… wtf… can somebody please pm me the results when its over… i would appreciate it muchly… ughhh overnights suck… a youtube hosting would be sweet to… lol… id love to watch it at work <3 <3

:word: Liddell has an amazing standup…he is a very hard hitter and has a strong jaw…I am going to have to go with Lidell on this fight. He is much more expierianced and imho a much better fighter. Don’t get me wrong, Ortiz is really good, I’ll give credit where its due, but he is a chump and I don’t like him.

I was waching the fight with Forrest Griffin and Ortiz… Griffin had him 3/4 of the time. But they gave the fight to Ortiz. Lame.

I can’t watch it tonight, keep me posted on who wins.

if anyone finds the vid on the internet post it up right away

whos got the results… i had to go into work

Liddell won in the third round by tko. Good fight. Liddell opened tito up!!!

*not the video :frowning:

Was anyone at wild wings nfb?

Liddell all the way.

griffin got out ‘brawled’ - proceeded to cry and left joe rogan alone holding the mic

bisping narrowly escaped multiple submissions and won - ref stopped the fight too early

leben got choked out by the biggest tool ever

arlovski won by tko

liddel beat a much improved tito - i feel the ref again stopped the fight too early. barely any of chucks punches got through tito’s defense at the end… liddel’s face was bruised all to hell

and rampage and crocop are officially announced to be in the ufc