Ugh...House Passes new Surveillance Law

might as well get out that constitution and burn it.

So how do you Obama supporters feel knowing he voted for this?

He earned a little respect from me for it, but I can’t see this playing well with his base.

eh, there were enough compromises in it to change the worst provisions that it didnt bother me much in the form that it ended up. In regards to immunity, I think they should prosecute the Bush administration officials that ordered the illegal wiretapping to the full extent of the law, not so much the companies that complied. With the extreme measures the PATRIOT act took, the illegality of their demands wasn’t obvious. When there’s any kind of gray area, and the feds want you to do something, you usually have to do it.

well, the lawsuits that they threw out wit the immunity were what they were going to use to see the full extent of Bush’s wiretapping and get the evidence they needed to go after his administartion if at all possible

Net neutrality was the biggest thing for me in keeping obama as my number one choice. :frowning:

Lets hope he doesn’t change his thoughts on education

Good ruling for you from the FCC then…they ruled Comcast was in the wrong for the BitTorrent thing. Hopefully we get a clear prohibition of ISP’s pulling that kind of shit.

its just another bill that makes the government more immune and invincible to more things.

This is only in place for the bad guys. I have no problem having the goverment look in to a potentially serious situation by eavesdropping.

They arent going to wiretap me, and if they are, they will have hours worth of recording asking people if they want to meet up for lunch, hear about my alcohol induced weekends, and the occasional "Hey baby, what YOU doin tonight.

I think it sucks when there’s shit going on and the phone companies get a giant cock up their rear end for helping . I guess untill there’s reason for me to be worried, I’ll give it the green.

Nope nope nope. You don’t get it.

Your phone is tapped and now its set up to where trigger words start a recording / investigation.

When talking to someone you say the word “Bomb” becuase of the new voice recognition software out there its quite easy to set up a server routing all calls or even random ones to run through this software and when it hears “Bomb” it starts recording the rest of the convo.

So now that the rest of your conversation is being recorded, you start talking to your friend about a dime bag you have that you want to get rid of. Or where you raced someone, or what music you are downloading with the means of doing so.

Since they had the reasonable suspicion to start recording your call. They can now charge you with the rest of what you just admitted to over the phone to your friend…

Kind of tinfoil hatted but… it doesn’t take much to pass something like this when you can convince the dumb people of the word that they should have it.