awww babbah

imagine if u got stds in all 8 dicks tho, that shit would fucking STING


imagine if u got stds in all 8 dicks tho, that shit would fucking STING


at that point you just pray you got aids on one of them

I think you’d need some crazy pants to hold all that.

He must be the balliest son of a bitch alive muhahahahah

I wonder if they would cum all at the same time…imagine that facial hahahah

Edit: I’d take 2 dicks

what i don’t get is why everything is talking about having 8 dicks. DAMN IT PEOPLE, this is a girl…why aren’t we talking about 8 vaginas?

the general population here likes dicks over vaginas 8 to 1


the general population here likes dicks over vaginas 8 to 1



a chick with 8 vaginas would be like trying to play a game of whack-a-mole.

Why? is there a groundhog living in her uterus or something?


i dunno but it can probably wipe with massive efficiency.


Critical win.


Why? is there a groundhog living in her uterus or something?


i didn’t say i was good at the game, 90% of the time i just bang an empty hole.