Un-United States of America

Petition starts in all 50 many states to secession from the Union.


Petitions signed by hundreds of thousands of Americans seeking permission for their states to peacefully secede from the union have now been filed for all 50 states on the White House website.

The secession petition push began last week on the site’s We The People section after a Slidell, La., man filed a petition on Nov. 7 to allow Louisiana to secede. Residents from other states followed suit.

As of Wednesday afternoon, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas—all states that voted for former Gov. Mitt Romney—as well as Florida each had accumulated more than 25,000 signatures, the threshold needed to trigger an official response from the Obama administration. Collectively, the secession petitions now have more than 700,000 digital signatures.

Texas is in the lead with more than 99,000, but Gov. Rick Perry said on Tuesday that he does not support secession.

Of course, the petitions are little more than symbolic—and nothing new. Similar petitions were filed after the 2004 and 2008 elections. And at least one petition filed on the site asks that the president sign an executive order to strip U.S. citizenship from anyone who signed a petition to secede and requests that they are “peacefully deported.”


People are so st00pid.

it worked so well for these guys:


these have been my amusement for the week.

So, that’s what Romney’s been up to after Tuesday…

The same liberal who said to deport the conservatives trying to make a point, doesn’t want illegal aliens deported…interestinnggg

Although it seems like a “good idea” these people are going to lead us to a militarily run country.

Side note, I watched The Campaign last night… was pretty damn funny.

lead us? we are already there. look up my post about martial law in new orleans. they would arrest you and they killed people plus took guns from the good guys the people. they wanted the militry in control because we would be safer without our guns and ammo. or so they say. i dont feel that way tho

when a natural disastor hits us and martial law is in effect and us troops with un troops taking our guns and stuff you will remeber me. they are in control

Lead us… Yes… As in the whole country. When the people begin fighting for freedom and major cities are under martial law is what I mean. If its just New Orleans yes it is awful but no one wi really notice till its major areas

I say we let the red states go… There the ones who use all the state aid.

And pay the least taxes. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

You got that right.