Underhood detail, aluminum corrosion removal... point me in a direction

I am old and lazy… so I really don’t want to deal with this. The previous owner of my car didn’t clean up under the hood, so the aluminum is corroded. I am looking for someone, or some place that does engine bay detailing.

This is what it looks like (only I replaced the beer can with a blower)


It’s not terrible, but the blower will need to be cleaned up as well. I am not looking to have it/or anything polished. I just want the corrosion removed, and then shit cleaned.


Sounds like you want to volunteer your time.

Great… see you tonight

^^ that is perfect for what needs to be done. all this aluminum shit on cars sucks up here. i’ve been thinking of doing the same thing this winter when i pull the motor and get a s/c myself.

how smooth is it?

Just use some aluminum polish and a rag… it should pull off corosion easily

I don’t know… It feels like 100-150 grit right now, but rubs off easy.

I think you guys missed the part where I mentioned being old and lazy, and wanting to find someone I could pay to do it for me.

I might even stand (well sit) drink beer, and watch that person work. That’s always a good time.

Oh. Well, hang on a second, lemme help you out.