Unintended Consequence of Technology: New LED traffic lights can't melt snow

yo dawg. we will put a lense on your lense so you can block the snow while you block the sun

lol :frowning: You can install them at an angle… like this .

Because it will put too much stress on the treadmill?

It would never take off… The light would not be green long enough.

Unless you send the light a picture of your junk.

That would not be fair… one must consider shrinkage.

If you need one normal sized junk picture can you use two pictures with shrinkage instead?

So now we can’t install traffic lights in pools?

Maybe they can put a big umbrella over the lights to stop the snow! Just like an awning on a house! It can hang over 3 feet off in each direction to make it impossible for snow buildup…

In the city you could probably just get rid of the lights completely as no one seems to pay attention to them anyways

The govt could just install control units in every car to make them stop and go. Or they could put a control unit in your head to make you stop.:tinfoilhat: