The DOs and DON'Ts of using your flashers while driving in heavy snow.

DO: Use your flashers when you’re driving slowly on a deserted road or highway. You never know when someone in a decent/competent vehicle will come flying up on you.

DON’T: Use your flashers when driving on a crowded highway. I GET IT, I see your honda CR-V with 4 bald tires in front of my car. You’ve been there for the last 30 miles. I appreciate your concern, but you’re probably more likely to rear end the vehicle in front of you as you lull the driver into a hazard induced coma. Meanwhile I’m preparing to ram you with any speed i can muster up on this crowded highway after being hurled into a rage of flashing taillights.

Fuck. I’m seeing red…

and it’s blinking.

Don’t ram them with the rabbit… you might die.

thank you. that shit was pissing me off the other night. do turn them on when the wind starts blowing and visibility drops to zero. do not leave them on while you drive in two lanes at 10 mph down union so that i can’t pass you.


maybe they were just confused and didn’t know if they wanted to turn RIGHT or LEFT, so they found the comfortable medium with their hazards…and little left, and a little right blinker action all in one!

i actually had mine on the other night due to some heavy wind and a guy i knew who was coming up pretty quick behind me. i went to turn right and put my turn signal on. :picard:

You can take comfort in that they were probably terrified the whole drive home
and may have had a heart attack after eating their TV dinners?

Wow I thought I might be the only one out there screaming at the assholes with their hazards on…

Also, if you’re doing 15mph and there is a LINE OF 40 CARS BEHIND YOU, pull over and let them by! Just because you don’t know how to drive your POS car with Z-rated tires on a barely snow-covered road and are scared shitless doesn’t mean you have to cause the rest of us to suffer just because we have vehicles that can drive through safely and KNOW how to drive in the snow…


15mph from Ashford to Holiday Valley because someone was “scurred” to drive any faster… I was 4th in line of a line of probably 20 cars…

i’ve been driving around the last 5 days with my hazards on, snow or not

what’s even better is when i tried going around the line of blinky lighters they would cut me off so i couldn’t go around.
On the 290 where there’s lanes.

What kills me even more is when i see women driving in bad weather. You can barely control your POS minivan or extremely large SUV in good weather. What makes you think you can drive in this shit?

You have said what everyone has been thinking this last week.

GRRRRR a;lwkjas; lfhoriuyoineripunbpriqn[ew’rinaqopwiuer 3089uy-3924n’[aewoinapb9u people suck!!!

just yea…

I’ve been driving all night, my hand’s wet on the wheel
There’s a voice in my head, that drives me heel
It’s my baby callin’, says I need you here
And it’s half past four and I’m shifting gear

when someone has their blinkers on it means that i can pass them.

rear fog light > flashers. i never turn my flashers on.

I drive with my corner strobes on while blasting Sandstorm.

i put my flashers on when:

  1. it is at night time, when it is snowing (bad) and i am not at the min speed.
  2. i am the last person in long line of cars and i am not at the min speed.

besides, truckers put them on then there is a line of twenty of them.

get over it, stop creating road rage… you VW people are not allowed to get that upset. Turn up ur DMB and chille.


The AWD system in the CR-V is so unpredictable that it should have the hazards on in the snow.