I was driving around town this morning in my RWD sedan, sideways at just about every intersection and road with minimal traffic on it, and was wondering “am I the lone madd leet drifter in this town?” Then I quickly remembered that there are hundreds of members on NYSpeed that are probably doing the same thing, I just don’t run into them too often during a snowy day.
So who else drives like they are the next Colin McRae every time it snows? (MPD47 you are excluded from this, we know your answer)
I feel the same way. I do something fun…hang my head in shame because everyone is looking at me like I am out of control…then proceed to do something fun on the next opportunity…rinse and repeat.
I <3 driving a bmw in the winter, so much fun and I have so much control, even when I decide to start getting sideways at like 65. I love getting on a the 90 in Fredonia when its covered in snow.
I also really enjoy passing audis with shitty all-season/drivers
That said I think people feel that I am about to crash every few feet.
It is so funny you made this thread because just last night I watched this video…
I immediately thought of how I honed my mad skills in first generation quattros in the snow. Ass clowning in snow(without traction control) teaches you a TON about automobile physics.
Feel the same way, driving the STi. Was not acting like an asshat today, but from the 198 to the 190 north i stayed in the passing lane the whole time doing roughly the speed limit maybe 60 or 65 at best, just watching me go zipping by the other cars in the slow lane.
Low how when it snows MOST people forget how to drive, but i love to have fun in zee snows.
The 2002 ALLROAD traction control stayed off but the 2004 turns back on at 40mph. You are in the middle of a nice drift and all of a sudden the car takes over.
Not much drifto fun in the FWD econobox. But I’m always getting high beams flashed at me or horns honked at me because they feel I’m driving too fast for the conditions. Hey pal…just because your too cheap to buy snow tires and your shitty all seasons give you anxiety in the snow doesn’t mean I can’t control my car at speed. Nokian Hakka’s FTW.