OK if you are being flash!!

Ok guys if you are driving and a car in the opposite direction is flashing its head lights rapidly that means cops are TIMING (speed trap) slow your ass down.

I was driving up 400 heading North to Barrie and I notice a car traverling South flashing its head lights, I was doing 120 to 130km so I slow down to 110km to the flow of traffic and what did I notice parked at the side of the road ? A white OPP crusier.

um this is really old news…no offence =D

umm thats what it meant for the longest time or it also means that watch the fuk out there is some shit on the road ahead.

are you kidding? ive seen that 432 times
why weren’t you going faster

or turn your headlights on

i thought everyone knew thats what it ment. its not realy legal to do it now tho if they catch you its a big fine

ive heard this a bunch of times too

is there any evidence to back this up?

I’ve heard it too, but never any evidence or proof to back it up…

Also, does this only apply if you’re warning about a speed trap? Or if you flash your lights to indicate a hazard such as an accident?

It also means theres a man in the back with a big nasty axe…

I think that constitutes a hazard on the road :stuck_out_tongue:

People that do that are awsome. They’ve possibly saved me a few times, so I try to return the favour when ever I can. But really, how are they going to catch you, and could they do anything about it, im interested in seeing a law or something.

funny story… i did this to an oncoming car, soon to realize it was another cop, i thought i was done for sure, he kept going like nothing happened, but maybe he didnt notice.

lol before my dad learned about this rule, someone flashed his lights and my dad honked and got mad cause it was at night and he gets annoyed about high beams…the story ends with him getting pulled over for speeding …=P

hahaha aw poor guy :frowning:

This is done all over Europe… too bad not everyone knows this here, could save people lots of hassles… it’s like working together on the road against big brother. Likewise when people travel like colonies as I like to call it if they are speeding together the cops won’t just pull over everyone hah. Ah well

Yes they will. They set mass speed traps on a regular basis. I know several people that thought they were safe in traffic and the whole lot of them got pulled over. It wasn’t even a convoy, just regular traffic, but everyone happened to be speeding.

…And on that note, a_ahmed is back!

Why the fuck are you back?

lmmfao, well I wasn’t gonna be that harsh right off the bat, but thank you Solarian. Thank you muchly.

I secondeded that.

Y’know, the more important question, is HOW, I thought he was still banned…

It’s iffy cause you can get a ticket for the prohibited use of alternating high-beam headlights. if the cops an ass. Because alternating flashing headlights are supposed to be for “emergency vehilces” the close resemblance of proof i could find was in this article. But i could be wrong

here is the link: Law Document English View | Ontario.ca

It is illegal to have alternating flashing headlights except for emergency vehicles.

HTA 169(2) – Prohibited use of alternating highbeam headlights - $85.00/$110.00
Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8