OK if you are being flash!!

ive seen this happen

guy coming in the opposite direction of me, and there is a cop directly in front of me

while we were both going by him, he flashed his lights from a distance before he realizes its the cop in the front of us he’s doing it to

cop hammered his brakes, made the u turn and threw his lights on.

i dont know if the guy got fined or not tho since i kept on driving

I think that’s more geared towards people with strobes installed, than flashing your headlights…

yea that’s what i thought. but like i said that’s the closet thing i have read, that would even relate.

another link that i found: http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/toronto/archive/2007/09/17/is-warning-other-drivers-of-a-speed-trap-illegal.aspx

Ya…where have you been man? WTF Illegal suck my nuts everything is illegal in this country.

its illegal to suck your nuts you might get fined for nutsucking while street racing

watch out

Just flash me and I’ll know a cop is on the watch for a street racing teenager, running from the cops with improper exhaust and sucking his nuts…

this could also mean you’re FN high beam is on.
I get a lot of dumbasses driving with their high beams on, i flash them, they flash back and they later realize their high beam is on…

If I am driving in the inner street I would blow my horn twice.

lol, flash = slow down, if you get cought flashing…someone didnt have their lights on…
watch out on pharmacy in scarborough. wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to many radar(gaydar)

omg HAHAhahahHAHAhahahaha

I had my ass saved a few times too so I return the favour when I can. Unless it’s some ricer speeding up the road or some guy in a real expensive car, I figure the ricer deserves it and the rich guy can afford it so why not, for some reason rich people pay less taxes in Canada so I figure it’s a way for them to pay what they avoided paying in the first place.

LOL im not back, i just posted a post or two :slight_smile: LIKE OMG WTF FAGS my head hurts already with the advanced vocabulary :slight_smile: I’ve been unbanned for months, just there’s nothing useful to post or read about except the sales section and on occasion pictures of 240s/spotted thread. The world is bigger than son’s racer bois :wink: Of course there’s the occasional funny pics that tickle me. I did laugh at that “Taurus brakes this car has none” :stuck_out_tongue: Other than that I’ll LOL elsewhere/learn about 240s elsewhere :slight_smile: This is what some older members other than the usual crowd told me they do too that is all :slight_smile: I use my time more effectively than arguing with bums on the internet.

end WTF UR BACK response

Edit: To be honest, I have been unbanned for a long time, I would read once in a while, I could read without an account anyways mostly the sales section and sponsors/etc… but the thing that made me lauugh is the same things as now and before, the pointless bickering and rampant immaturity yelling, WTFs and whatever else. That’s the reason I decided not to bother posting on this forum, it’s retarded and a waste of time. That’s not everyone though, just the too cool to be on here crew.

For once, we agree on something. We both don’t want you on this site anymore.

im from the country, and everyone knows to flash ur lights. flashing ur high beams is old school

flashing indicates

Police ahead, ur lights are off, ur high beams are on, or there is a hazard ahead EX a deer is on the shoulder ahead slow the fuck down and keep ur eyes peeled.

This is Old News, in europe cops set up a speed trap and than ahead of it they set up a trap for people flashing the cars headin towards the speed trap.


I think the code goes something like this:
-Flash your highbeams oncoming = cops
-Flash your hibeams from behind = GTFO of the way

  • Extended single oncoming hibeams = hibeams are are blinding drivers
    -Turn your lights on / off = other driver has no headlights on
    -4ways while braking means serious braking ahead or road is fizzucked

EDIT: When did cars star coming with DRLs and auto cluster lights? Seems last few years Hondas and Toyotas have auto dash lights so all these clowns driving around at night with no lights…at least a dark dash was a hint you need to turn them on? WTF?

in japan i have heard they flash lights when about to pass another vehicle!

They do that to challenge another vehicle to an illegal street race.

The auto-on cluster is kinda messed up when not accompanied by auto headlamps, most cars I know that have one, have the other as well, but there’s those annoying few cars which have no visible cluster unless it’s on, so it’s on day and night and it causes people to forget sometimes.

I think that might be it 'cause that’s always the way I’ve done it/known it to be.

In Japan here they have a new trend. At intersections, they shut of their HIDS (well mostly HIDS). So at intersections its totally dark, then when they go they flip em back on - its to prevent glare and eye strain.

Some new cars have this feature on the auto switch.