Anybody get a ticket from a traffic light camera yet?

Sorry for another ticket thread, there has been a lot lately. Today I was driving south on Eggert and while I was passing through the intersection at Kenmore the light turned red. I thought I would make it through for sure but it turned red just as I was passing under it.

This is an intersection with one of those cameras. So I’m expecting a ticket in the mail now. Anyone have this happen yet? If I just pay it will I get points on my license? Only reason I ask is what if I was letting someone drive my car and this happened? How do they know who is driving the car?

They have cameras around here like this? Did I miss something?

I know City of Buffalo has cameras to watch the hooligans but none of them are for traffic violations.

Are you talking about the cameras with the flashing blue lights? Buffalo has a number of trouble cameras that look for crime on the streets and gun shot detection, not red light violations.

Some of the other cameras on the highway are just the DOT monitoring traffic flow. Its against the law for them to use them for any other reason than that.

Also, your issues are the exact reason why many cities are not using this system such as who is driving your car and privacy issues as with who you might be with.

I not totally sure that they are using them for red light runners. I remember hearing about it a few weeks ago in a hockey locker room but I wasn’t really paying attention to the conversation.

Here is something from the city of buffalo website.

Motorists who run red lights at accident-prone intersections in Buffalo might soon be caught on candid camera. And the snapshots could end up saddling reckless drivers with traffic fines.

Mayor Byron W. Brown and Police Commissioner H. McCarthy Gipson say they are aggressively pursuing a plan to introduce “red light cameras.” The surveillance cameras likely would be used on street corners where many accidents have occurred.

“This is something I’m very passionate about,” said Brown, adding that he tried to bring red light cameras to Buffalo several years ago when he was a state senator.

“It’s something that I welcome,” said Gipson, adding that cameras would help police enforce traffic laws and promote public safety.

In the past, advocates of red light cameras have operated on the premise that state approval is needed before municipalities can install them. New York City has used cameras for many years, but the state Legislature has been reluctant to expand their use, citing privacy issues and other concerns.

Gipson was in Chicago this week where a city law permits the use of cameras at some intersections where accidents have been common. Gipson said he thinks Buffalo could enact the same type of law – as long as officials can document traffic dangers at specific locations.

Red light cameras already have garnered interest at other levels of city government, First Deputy Mayor Steven M. Casey said.

“I’m sure we’ll be able to get a sponsor on the Common Council,” he said.

Brown said the city would still likely pursue state permission to install traffic enforcement cameras, but he thinks the new option could be a backup strategy if the plan faces obstacles in Albany.

But the regional director of the New York Civil Liberties Union said the use of cameras raises some troubling questions.

“Video surveillance technology has led to a tremendous number of abuses,” said John A. Curr III. “There have been all kinds of problems in New York City.”

There’s a possibility that police might use the cameras for purposes other than catching reckless drivers, Curr said. For example, he said there’s nothing that would stop them from using cameras to film people during demonstrations. The scope and purpose of surveillance cameras in public places must be spelled out, along with training and monitoring policies, Curr said.

Buffalo’s accountability panel also reviewed plans to install surveillance cameras at dozens of crime hot spots. Police officials have identified 38 areas throughout the city where they would like to install mobile cameras.

In GA they are just revenue generators since they apply to the vehicle, not your liscense. Not sure about NYS.

my sister got one in NYC one night… I was in my sisters car she ran a red light and got a ticket in the mail a few weeks later

you cant get points for getting caught in a red light camera… only a fine… since they cant prove 100% you were behind the wheel

Yeah those things are so great.

People in metro phoenix/scottsdale are stopping so hard at yellow lights, that they get rear ended…

Its such a shitty idea.

meh it works wonders down here, if you are not driving like a moron you don’t have to lock your brakes up. But down here there are no points, since they can’t prove who was driving, it is just given to the person that has the car registered.

union/walden intersection looks like it has them up now

My friend was driving my car with me in the pass seat in scottsdale bout a week ago and this happened…dont remember if it was from speed or red light, cuz i was drunk. BUT…i guess i will find out soon enough.

Buffalo doesn’t use them for red lights, only crime and safety.

I would have a pile of tickets from them right now if so

yea just safety, i also would have a huge pile of em bc i go right on red at Caz and Abbott all the time still. such a stupid place for no Turn On Red

they’re deffiniteley not for red lights/speeding. I’ve done plenty of both around those and no tickets. Also, they said on the news that they were just safety cameras. Basically a giant waste of tax payer dollars. Maybe they should spend some money to fix the streets around where those cameras are instead. They fucking suck.

good to hear guys thanks.

Figures. Once again, money before sense.

not that way here. they get a nice close up of your face.

Stop light cameras are rather large boxes mounted a street sign level. There is usually a camera unit and a separate flash unit. It takes a photo of your license plate and face.

There are usually at least 2 pairs per corner.

usually you will notice a flash and if you have a radar detector it will give off a radar band usually x.
i ran thru one thinking i would make it and i notice the flash and my RD going crazy
that was about two months ago and still i havent seen a ticket so im considering myself lucky.

They issue tickets in south texas from the traffic lights.
I found out when I ran a broken light that was stuck red for 3 cycles of the other light.
I didnt get a ticket, but the girl I was with said "they just put those in, now when you run a light you get a paer in the mail that says : if we were enforcing the traffic cams, this would be a redlight ticket ect.:

So I assume they do that now, and if they were doing it up here, They would probably issue the warnings aswell.

Last but not least, any cop will tell you, ignorance dosent make you exempt from the law.