Red Light Camera's?

Hey guys, I got flashed on my way home, is it guaranteed that I have a $190 ticket to pay now?


what if it wasn’t you driving the car?!

I think it takes a picture of the car… aswell

doesnt matter, ticket goes to the owner

however with these offences theres no points associated

its a simple greedy cash grab

Well, I got snapped while running one three weeks ago, during a storm. I have yet to get the ticket. Mainly because i could tell them that there was over 5 cm of snow and it was impossible to stop at the speed i was going which was the speed limit. On the queensway. but if you clearly did it. then odds are you will get it. Police officers review each of the pictures. to determine if you were in the wrong. and then they send the ticket off.

Yeah I’m aware that I wont get demerits, so that’s awesome but almost $200! Jeeze.

Is there a specific time I have to pay the fine by? I can’t pay that kind of ticket due to school taking all my dollars. I have the car registered/renewed for the year already, so will the only time I’ll have to pay the ticket be when I show up to the MTO next year?

its not MTO related. its City of Toronto Related. TRUST ME. It’d only be MTO if it was a cop.

So how long do I have to pay the ticket?

Its a municipal thing, so if the City of TDOT run your plates on their systems it will be outstanding. And I think its the average time of any ticket.

…which is? I’ve never had a ticket.

one month or some crap.

Fuck. What’s the penalty if I don’t?

you are risking being arrested. Like any ticket. While in toronto.

These tickets are treated the same as parking tickets, so you can get arrested for having unpaid parking ticket?

i had 2 of these flashes go off in the same intersection, i have to yet to receive a ticket, its been way over a month.

That’s even worse, because I gotta check the mailbox every day, twice a day for a whole month to get to the damn letter before my parents get to it and beat my ass.

my dad got it once and the fine was 250…the camera took a pic of the car and the licence plate…

If you’re going to run it Hide the plates :smiley:

Yes, stop before the intersection, duct tape your plates, than drive through the red light.

That’ll solve any red light camera tickets, I can assure you.