LED headlights vs HID

So has anybody tried the newer generation of LED headlights? these new ones are starting to look tempting


It’s too bad that product’s kidneys aren’t working.


The led kit is not suitable for the Germany car, for example: BMW, AUDI, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz ect.

Fast cooling , the appearance of the most advanced design , thermal structure ingenious and reasonable.

As opposed to those stupid and unreasonable thermal structures out there.

Instant start no strong currents impact , effectively protecting the car comes with a battery , improving battery life of more than 30%.

I just… I can’t even.

you know how it goes, they don’t know what they are talking about, but that doesn’t mean the product is junk.

2-3 cree LEDs and fan cooling means these probably put out some decent light.

I have LED headlights in the jeep, but they are a headlight replacement, rather than a retro kit.
One issue I have read about in cold areas is headlight snow buildup. Due to the heat produced in HID or tradition bulbs the snow typically melts on impact. LEDs produce less heat and can cause buildup problems. I haven’t had them through the winter, so I will report back.
Light output is vastly improved over the stock headlight, but the stock headlights in the Jeep suck.

I know Derek had mentioned that he had installed a number of kits when he was installing my bass tube. @BDR5oh

No, what it means is they’re probably Chinese crap and within a couple months that fan is going to fail and you’ll have a meltdown.

I don’t want something as critical as my headlights running so hot that they require fan cooling. And if I have to have one it sure as hell won’t be some shitty Chinese product I can only get on eBay. Should be a fun ride home from Ellicottville in a snowstorm with just the light of the two small fires where my headlights used to be to guide me.

The technology might be fine if you spend the money to get something good but you’re crazy to think the eBay Chinese garbage you posted it going to work out.

^ I see your point but I have had good luck with ebay HIDs in the past…

The part that scares me is the complexity of needing a moving part (fan) to keep an overheating light from melting down.

:tup: I would imagine that with the large heat sync and fan they put off more heat than an HID…

I might have to try a set in my audi fog lights to see how they do

Mine has no fans.

Edit: I know they are a different product, but just pointing out they might not all need a fan.

Yeah, and yours are $450. I wonder which ones are more likely to catch your car on fire. :slight_smile:

it looks like the entire back area is a head sync by design


They don’t. I haven’t had my 20" bar in the snow yet, but the entire thing looks like a heat sync and it doesn’t put out that much heat. A friend had a 10" on his truck for the past few years and you have to clean it off because it doesn’t melt snow.

Yeah my 50" bar heat sink fins whistled at high speed so I covered them all up since it never gets that warm.

good info… I might test a set in fog lights

Realistically you probably don’t actually need the fan. While moving you are more than likely generating enough air flow to cool the heat sink just fine. Plus I somehow doubt that the heat sink will catch your car on fire. If that was the case, than the average run of the mill halogen light would be setting cars on fire left right and center.

Iv been told by my customers that Traditional Hid’s are still brighter. If someone does some testing with this new kit i am interested for results!

I have LEDs in most of my house. I can say with certainty that they do produce some heat as I’ve put my fingers where they shouldn’t have been…

HIDs are still brighter. No warm up time with the led. The fans on the LEDS are loud to.

If the LEDs need fans, maybe someone will create a bulb that has coolant running though it instead… and then the joke about “headlight fluid” won’t be as funny anymore :slight_smile:

so you’ve played with these 1st hand? everybody I know so far is just going by what some guy on some forum heard from somebody else.