union job

anyone have the number for the boiler makers union I am trying to get in.

412 867 5309… I believe Jenny is the secretary

I’m not quite sure how it works, but I think you may have just missed the most recent batch of guys getting in. A buddy of mine is trying to get in and he just had his orientation on Friday.


Unless u know someone ur screwed

your not gettin in unless ur got insiders or ur fuckin someone… this girl i know got in just like that cause her ex is one. she’s sittin doing absolutely nothing makin $25 an hour. whore

I know a girl in the boilermakers too. Shes a soldier, her and her brother got in because their dad is one. Making real good money, and almost always have the entire summer off.

I.B.E.W. here…Electricians union…I run a service truck so I also have a company vehicle.

What do you have to do to get into that?


I dont do that gay shit…:rant:

cam303 does,ask purestock:kekegay:

CWA …ftw

Unions…for the greater bad.

im in the boilermakers union and yea you just missed it, they are not planing on taking applications for about 2 yrs as for right now

Do you make boilers??? :slight_smile:

unions… :rolleyes:

Nepotism :rolleyes:

