Unlock AT&T Razr V3

So what’s the deal with unlocking an old phone so you can sell it. Razr V3, had it over 2 years but it works great. Upgraded to an iPhone so I want to sell it.

Will AT&T do it or do I have to go download some hack? If download, any know of a good site?

Call the international department and say you are going to be traveling abroad and dont want to risk losing your iphone in another country

There number is 800 335 4685

That will work even though it’s not activated right now?

You can pop your sim in at any time and have the phone be live.

Thats the beauty of GSM


I’ll call them tomorrow.

theres also a program you can download to crack it. I had to do it with my old phone.

pretty easy to do

Glad to help.

Ya this SIM card thing is awesome. I love the ability to throw it into any phone and have my SIM contacts there and not have to call ATT to get a phone activated and switched over.

Just wish they would unlock my account :frowning:

Your account or your phone?

my account. still waiting for my refund/contract to reset :frowning: been over 72 hours

Have you called customer care to figure out whats going on?