Unrelated "Carbon Fiber Pole" Project *PHASE 2 Complete*


While it seems like I’m the last one in this thread to not actually know what’s happening, I would think that it’s more than just switching from a metal to a carbon fiber roof. Unless there’s some benefit aside from weight reduction and bling that I’m not thinking of, that seems like an awful lot of work for just a material change. Mobile strip club seems the most plausible.

Is the lack of a front passenger seat related?

I found mine at a place called L&L in Arcade, it’s on Rt. 39, between the Rite-Aid and the Mickey D’s. I was out there last week and picked mine up for @ $20 and a three pack of replacement cutters (they’re double-ended so it’s like having six extra) for @ $15.

I’m also interested to hear how long they last, I’m still cleaning off seam sealer and haven’t gotten a chance to use it yet. It looks nasty as hell, like some medieval cock spear or some shit. :gay3:

its been 2 weeks… wheres an update

Jeeze, I’m worried about putting new suspension on my e46 in fear of breaking something, and yet here we have a man taking the roof off of his!

Cant wait to see whats in store


no worthy updates yet… within another couple weeks there will be.

WEEKS!@!()$&(@)$ hurry up mang… we need an update

Alright, i’ll give an update tonight then.

this thread is gay, even for you josh

haha, it wasn’t my original intent, but the satisfaction of people actually getting upset over the urge to be “in the loop” has given me a huge boner.

oh, to be Dos for a day.

here, an update.



cfr = Carbon Fiber Roof… as if there was doubt.

You needed to take the roof off to get to the head liner? hummm, when you change the motor oil in the car… do you remove the motor to drain it.

AHAHAHAHAA…i was expecting somebody to FINALLY look.

Ever since the Bumper DIY you said “No CF No Care”. I thought to myself, “hmmm… what DIY could i do that would actually make Newman care?”

I’m doing this only because of you.

no, just buy a new car.

wheres the pole go?

Newman probably still wont care…

Hm. Maybe I just have no vision but that sure seems like a lot of work for the end result. Going to paint the CF? Approximate weight reduction? Any other benefit (aside from bling/being able to say you rolled your own CF roof) that I’m ignorant to?

Takes out engine, puts it on the stand, removes oil fill cap and rotates engine. :lol:


Naw he fashions up a carbon fiber venturi, connects it to his custom CF dipstick tube, farts real hard, and the bernoulli effect driven by his ass gas sucks the oil out. :tup:

To be honest, i’m doing it because i have run out of things to do and because i can. Not going to paint it, will leave it exposed.

A lot of work? no… it’s rather simple if you break it down far enough.

Weight reduction will be 12lbs. I was debating for a long time whether or not to delete the sunroof, because that would reduce about 48lbs. Which is a significant ammount of weight up high.

However, the realization of this whole thing is that i will drive casually a lot more than i’ll actually be racing this car around a track…so i deemed the sunroof as a “valuable” and will keep it.

I am not competative enough to see the gains of this reduction on the track. I’ve simply run low on things to do/fabricate and thought this would be a fun project.

you’re the only person that can find a way to use the words “fart” and “bernoulli” in the same sentence