hey guys, i’m George, and i’m the one that Spencer has been talking about… sorry for taking so long to come on here… we had some issues with the web hosting account so the website and emails were down for a bit, and then i had some family come into town so i had to spend some time with them, showing them around and all that. But now that’s all done, so i responded to pretty much all of the emails i’ve received so far (pretty sure that i got back to everyone on this website, but if i didnt, you’ll be hearing from me really soon).
Basically, i just started doing this carbon fiber stuff for myself last year, coz i wanted some small interior pieces done, and i couldnt find anyone to do them for me, or if i did, they would want outrageous amounts of money… so i tried out some parts till i eventually got the hang of it, and then just had the parts clearcoated by a local paint shop… i posted about it on the forums srt/neon forums i was on, and other people liked the parts and asked me to make some for them… it was basically all word of mouth and i kept making random stuff for people, till at the begging of this year i quit my job and i had the “company” registered and started running it like a proper business. I dont claim to be a pro, but people like the parts and keep spreading the word, so i’m just gonna keep trying to expand to more and more parts and just see where this ends up :E
I should be able to get the rest of the interior parts through a local in the next week or two since i already had some requests for stuff like dash and doors, and hopefully this week i’ll also be able to pick up a set of headlight covers. How interested would you guys be in the headlight covers? Does someone already make them? I’m thinking lots of you must have cf hoods, and cf headlight covers would be a nice match… just let me know…
here’s a few more pictures for you guys… sorry about the website not being all that great… i’m slowly putting it together myself, and i still need to update a bunch of sections, and pictures and stuff… most good pictures are in the SRT4 and Neon sections, since those are the parts i’ve been making the most… they could still be better, but should give you a good idea. I’ll try to keep the S13/240sx section updated as much as possible.
Thanks, and i look forward to dealing with you guys. I’m gonna crash right now coz it’s really late, but i’ll be back to respond to all the questions in this thread in the morning
If you need to reach me, the best way is to email me at george@alliedcomposites.com, or just add me to your msn messenger (georged_83@hotmail.com). The website of course is www.alliedcomposites.com