upgrading to dual core from single

I’m looking around at dual core processors and there are some decent deals out there.

Will I see a big difference going from an AMD64 3000+ (2.2ghz), to say a E6850 core 2 duo (3ghz)?

Or should I not bother and go right to a quad core? For another 100.00 or so, I can get an Intel quad core Xeon E5310(1.6 GHz processor)

Now that the 8800gt’s are out, I figured that I should upgrade to a dx10 system.

This is going to be a gaming machine… no more, no less.

EDIT: Or would I be better off going with an AMD dual/quad core? they seem to be cheaper and I have no complaints with my current AMD

There should be a significant difference upgrading.

You’ll get better gaming with the dual core until they provide more support for quad.

you will need new MB, memory,

ya youll prolly need a whole new computer basically

I realize that… I’m just trying to decide on a processor to go with first.

edit: actually… amd’s seem to be about half the price, and from the reviews I’ve seen so far, seem to wipe the floor with intel dual core chips (not sure if they’re dual core, or core 2 duos though)


I realize that… I’m just trying to decide on a processor to go with first.

edit: actually… amd’s seem to be about half the price, and from the reviews I’ve seen so far, seem to wipe the floor with intel dual core chips (not sure if they’re dual core, or core 2 duos though)


Are you an intel guy or AMD guy? The new AMD true quad cores are do out in Dec.

doesn’t really matter to me honestly. Long as it performs well and is cost effective.

I’ve used both and have never had issues with either brand

Get the AMD 5000+ Black Edition CPU, I’m running that overclocked to 3Ghz right now.

Save some money and upgrade when Phenom comes out.

yeah steve get the black AMD

Intel is releasing a new line of penryns in January. And for all those who say “dual core is better for gaming” get your facts straight. That was 6 months ago. Basically any new game, if the company doesnt have their heads up their asses, will support 4 cores. I am interested in seeing how amds new chips stack up against intels though. Its been nearly a year of nvidia/intel sitting on top. Id expect it would remain the same as amd/ati continue to fall back. Hopefully there will be some good competition for once. Maybe we’ll see some price drops?

well, it sounds like the 5000+ black is a winner (shit, for the price you can’t go wrong)

just a quick question before I order though, Will AMD’s new quad core’s be using the AM2 socket? So I wont have to upgrade motherboards again if I want to go quad core

e6750 - 200
gigabyte mobo (p35 series) - 100ish
2gb crucial ballistix ddr2 800 - 70

thats what an intel setup will cost you.
around 400.

The 5000 is a great cpu, just make sure you have AM2.

I doubt the next AMD’s will be socket AM2. I forgot what the new ones are called… I read it somewhere.


well, it sounds like the 5000+ black is a winner (shit, for the price you can’t go wrong)

just a quick question before I order though, Will AMD’s new quad core’s be using the AM2 socket? So I wont have to upgrade motherboards again if I want to go quad core



I doubt the next AMD’s will be socket AM2. I forgot what the new ones are called… I read it somewhere.


AMD’s Quad Core will also be using AM2 socket.

Steve, are you doing some serious gaming, or rendering?

I used to be the king of upgrading my pc every six months, but now I’m using a p4 3.0 Dell, that I stuffed 4gb of ram in it, and calling it a day.

The only thing i seem to upgrade is the drives, must be my ever expanding collection of pr0n.


Justin, it’s going to mainly be a Gaming PC but will probably use it to render images from my 3D box thru the network since the multiple cores would help it considerably.

Im not sure what all this fuss is about the amd quad core though. Intels penryns are using the smaller 45nm die. I was under the impression even with amds new quad core they are still gonna be stuck on 65nm for a little bit. Why does this matter? Because if youll go to the link I put at the bottom, youll see that they got their hands on an early penryn cpu and got it overclocked to 4.0ghz stable…on AIR! smaller die size = less heat = more room for overclocking = poor amd once again =/