Upside-down flag in protest of Obama, upsets neighbors

Ahh, there’s the leap you’re making. I love it here. There’s good people, it’s a land of opportunity, lots of different cultures, complexity, etc. But I don’t love it BECAUSE it’s “AMERICA”. We’re just a bunch of people that all happen to have been born on the same continent, and we made up some imaginary lines to say “this is ours” and that’s that. America is a label, just like Nike or Reebok. I love this country because of it’s quality, not it’s brand name, if that makes any sense…

:rofl: That flag stands for a lot more than just that. This country has done great things and it has done horrific things. And what the **** is a Right wing liberal? I’m a realist. The founding fathers of this country did not want a strong central government. we are the UNITED STATES. Autonomous states, supposed to be loosely bound by a federal government that provided for only the most basic of things… national defense, currency printing, foreign policy, etc. I mean the National Guard was originally supposed to be state militias that kept arms just in case the federal government got too powerful. Now look at us. So if I’m an “unamerican piece of ****”, then so are George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Go dig them up and bitch to them. Maybe they’ll come back to life and teach you something about the country you claim to be so ****ing head over heels in love with.

yeah, it was the flag that they were happy to see, not the American’s coming to save their ass. And yes, blind nationalism is exactly what is so disturbing in this thread.