I am shocked that this keeps getting voted down.Now I understand about free speech and all and accept/tolerate it in most degrees.We also pass laws to protect almost anyone from getting their feelings hurt over anything,But what about the millions of soldiers that fought for the flag and what it stands for?This has to be one huge slap in the face for them.Anyone can go out and prostest something,fine freedom of speech,But WTH do they have to burn a flag as well?
Just one little pet peeve of mine.Kerry voted it’s ok too.
while i think flag burning is retarded, i understand why they keep shooting it down. This would be the first step on a slippery slope. Take away one freedom and then whats next?
The flag stands for freedom. The freedom to express your views that do not cause harm to others. One of those freedoms is to burn that symbol.
Why not arrest them for fire code violations?
But if I go to work and make a racial slur I will be fired.Please explain that?
Because you are violating civil rights.
You choose to believe that the flag is a symbol.
People don’t choose what race they are.
I believe you should be allowed to burn it, but at the same time I won’t feel bad for you at all if someone beats the shit out of you for doing it.
I can’t believe people need a symbol to stand for what they believe in, and they are so insecure in what they believe that they get bent out of shape when a bunch of dumbasses decides to waste their money and burn it. There was probably sales tax on that there flag.
Wouldn’t violating a civil right be along the lines of not hiring or things like that?
Yes, just like creating an unsafe work environment for employees that are a different race or sex than you is.
While I will never burn a flag (unless to disspose of a tattered one) I believe it should still be allowed as an extreme form of free speech.
People died for what the flag stands for not for its physicality.
Well said.
On an aside: I noticed someone at the office wearing a set of sandals similar to these:
This is a part of how she was “expressing her joy with regards to the 4th of July”.
To me, that’s just fucking ignorance.
Ignorance and free will, there is a HUGE difference.
IB4 newman takes over thread with emo values
Doesn’t the VFW burn flags to get rid of them? If/when this passes that signifies a very stupid turning point for america. Soldiers don’t fight for a symbol, idiots do.
thats how Your supposed to retire tattered flags IIRC
:word: I’m not a huge crazy patriot or anything like that but if I ever saw anyone burning a flag in protest I would probably say something/punch them in the head.