Canadian History X

In Theaters Summer 2010 in IMAX 3D


Pic of son240’s Mysterious_240 posted in most recent pic thread note the flag in the original lol

hahahahhaha holy shitttt




lmao thats funny


lol, i knew it had to do with that flag! haha nice editing :stuck_out_tongue:

Made my night hahaha.

yeah racist skinheads drive 240’s big whoop wanna fight about it?! lolz



i taught i was the only one who noticed that flag as i just saw it today, i was going to post it but i guess you beat me to the punch…


Haha, I love the white flour, it’s classic!

lol epic thread

the only way thing thread could get more epic is with tits

hahaha, that was great

I don’t think its right to decapitate someone’s picture into a joke no matter how tempting. Unless of course he doesn’t mind. Laughing at someone’s expense :-/

^You can’t be serious? Boohoo… 240xcsv is a nazi! maybe just maybe people shouldn’t be posting pictures of themselves with dildos on their dressers, giant logs in the toilet and Nazi flags in their background? Lighten up, the guy posted a picture of himself and a Nazi flag in the background on a public forum seems like he doesn’t have a problem with it why should you?

Overly sensitive much?

lool so funny

agent240sx you’re a moron, if someone found a picture of you and pasted it on a “insert whatever” body I’m sure you’d have something to say unless of course you didn’t mind like I said “unless he doesn’t mind”. You know there are laws against that right? It’s called defamation. Quick fact you just called ma ‘nazi’ because I stated the obvious that’s also defamation.

Anyways carry on. /exit