Confederate Flag - Get Rid of it?

What does everyone think of the confederate flag? Symbol for racism and backward thinking or just something for the southern folks to put up in their house to feel good?

If they like NASCAR more the Hitler…I say its a heritage thing and let it be…


This is the reason why America going into the shitter, PC will be the downfall of this country.


The General Lee’s roof just wouldn’t look right.

All I think of is rednecks and the General Lee.

The former I’m neutral on, and the latter is one of the coolest things my generation missed out on.

I like it.

:rofl: My roomate and I had one hanging in our room all through college because we liked country music and the dukes of hazzard and things like that. Although we were aware that some people would associate it with racism so we were respectful enough to not put it in view of the window.

it all depends on how you take it i guess, general lee would not look right at all, as camarojoe said.i like to see it as a part of history, and simpler times. not so much racism.

hey you civil wars guys, the north won, slavery’s bad

that flag means to me what it literally is. A void confederate symbol that holds no authority or power in this country. Its a cancelled flag if you will, therefore i dont acknowledge it.

i like it the generall lee rules

A neighbor down the street has one on their garage during the summer, a big one too, mybe this summer I’ll ask why, alothough I think I already know the answer to that question, lol


Why do rednecks who live in upstate NY find it necessary to have that flag on everything they own?

This is NY, not Tennessee.


What happened to the classifieds = Taking away Confederate flag

IDk maybe I’ll ask my neighbors lol

ive seen black guys in south carolina and georgia running around with pickups with the confederate flag in the back window, for realz

its more a symbol of southern life then racism, its fine by me.

The Token Black Guy in my clique rocks confederate belt. Then again, it wasnt his idea …

Who cares? If it is because they are racist, it is still their right to display it.

If you are that bummed about it. Post a “crackers are faggors” flag in your yard.