Confederate Flag - Get Rid of it?

leave it it means nothing compared to what it did during the civil war… uncivil war. i don’t think it is ment to hate any more. but there are those rare few that push it to far…silly libs.

southern NY, northern PA is the worst.

my friend at school was a black kid that flew the confed. flag 24/7/365

i have a bunch.

i kinda figuared with a sn like that u might have a few 30

in the south its normal, i guess the only time it worries me is when they have the pickup with the confederate flag on the rear glass, and a gun rack also…

Epic fail.

its just like guys plastering their cars with stickers of a car club or community they’re a part of. the confederate flag is a symbol that seperates someone from the 300 million other robots in this country. it gives people an identity. its an insight into a southern way of life.

The flag is free speech.

I would never want it banned… but there is no question that most who use it are racist.

I’m trying to think of other examples of items that say one clear thing, but when accused people always deny with an accepted cover story.

Not everyone gives the same meaning to something that you do.

It can def be offensive. I don’t care for its implied racism - but not everyone flies it for that reason.

Either way, no reason to censor it.

that’s the beauty of it… I can’t prove you wrong.

when my buddy went to unc charolette(sp?) his roomate flew both flags, i said it was prolly to respect where he came from and his heritage, his roomate agreed fully… not to mention flying that flag is part of freedom of speech, so whoever thinks it should be banned should stfu

not to mention, to think that it automatically symbols racism and “backwards thinking” is kind of ignorance in itself is it not?

not sure who said it, its from Authority Zero-PCH82… but “both good and evil should be averted by more speech, not enforced silence”

Yep, in the same way that you can’t prove yourself right either. Which means that your claim can in fact be questioned.

The US flag was used during slavery, infact it was used before the civil rights act too so maybe we shouldn’t use that either.

Keep it, its a symbol of pride to some. I’ve had this discussion with several of my friends when I was stationed in NC a few years back.

would you be as bold as to say that black people have no right to be offended by somebody flying the flag?

it’s very interesting that people always use the battle flag and not the original one yet scream their reasons are historic and not racist.

OK I have to throw this out there…
I keep seeing racism used but keep in mind that as a percentage of people in the US there were more black slave owners than white slave owners.
(They forget to mention that in public schools)
So yeah if you are anti-slave you can be offended but don’t say racist!

I think we’re arguing 2 different things.

Like I said, my roommate and I had one in college. We are not racist. We did not have it for any race related purpose. We were sensitive to the fact that it is offensive to some people even though we do not give it any negative meaning, so we kept it out of view of the window.