Confederate Flag - Get Rid of it?

weak argument IMO… it’s not like the black slave owners had white slaves.

ARE you serious?
Is it racism if a black owns a black?

they forget to mention alot in public schools… why have A(not an) PROPERLY educated population :gotme:

IMO the Civil War era (not just the confederate flag) isn’t implicit of white on black hated, as you’re talking about.

Its far more about the oppression of the entire class of people.

You know, there were white & indian slaves too.


:2fingers: i was typing fast :lol:

Lynyrd Skynyrd drops a huge one on the stage everyone concert and they are the shit so it’s cool with me.

my thought when it comes to young americans in the northeast is that they do it because it’s controversial. I believe you’re not racist - but even you admit that it can be very offensive.

you probably wouldn’t put a swastika up, yet it also can easily be argued that you want to express good luck.

in either case, it’s how it looks, you know how some people will interpret it because of the modern meaning that it has taken.


dunno why, but this reminded me of this:


if you know why the indian caste system began/exists you will understand my answer. It’s all about hating yourself so much because of what others have taught you that you would sell out your own people just to feel superior over something.

Fair enough. :tup:

That’s it! It’s on!

It should really be taken off any government building. Otherwise, people can do with their own property what they wish so long as it doesn’t put anyone in danger.


And you could argue that the Civil War was more than just slavery. It was about states rights vs the federal government. It just happened that the specific right they disagreed on was slavery.


I did a paper late in school… after alot of reading (in context), Lincoln basically pushed Civil Rights through so that the states would unify. He didn’t nec care for or against slaves, but he needed the country to be solvent against GB & the like.

Not to stir the pot or anything…

Quoted for truth. And god i hate the dirty south