The confederate flag. Symbol of southern heritage or Hate?

I came across this same question on a southern based board. I just wondered what you guys thought.

In this day and age is the confederate flag flown by someone that is proud of their southern heritage or as a symbol of hate.


Southern heritage is full of hate. Around here it just means “redneck,” which in turn probably means low-life/racist. It’s tough for me to classify what it means into one category.

I stands for a people that lost a war about 140 years ago…key word LOST!

i usually think of redneck when i see one.

maybe if your from mississippi or s.carolina it might mean heritage… (but prob not) but around here when you see a old chevy with it on it… 90% of the time its to piss off someone… aka blacks. im friends with alot of rednecks and most of the time they are rockin something rebel flaggish they always seem to look at people to see if they get angry… which in my eyes shows that is what they are looking for.

I usually think of redneck racists when i see one.

how can you have one without the other? The heritage of the south is buying slaves and using them to tend their crops. It’s what their entire economy was based on. So much so that they resorted to seceding from the union and taking up arms against the United States to keep their slaves. Slaves that were beaten, tortured, and killed at will. Thinking upon that time with a sense of nostalgia would be akin to people flying swastikas in German to commemorate that time in their history. It disgusts me.

on this topic i agree with u 100%

comming straight from my best friend who is a black man who moved from here to the south he said: " man that shit dont bother me at all, thats those peoples heritage, thats their history"

i say who gives a fuck… stick and stones…

holy shit what is pittspeed coming to darkstar said something i can agree with! :eek2: :bigthumb:

Based on where I live, I always think it’s a redneck from Elizabeth :rofl:

i think it could be a little bit of both… but is it? no. there are people who fly that flag because its in their families history and thats where they came from. now if you think about it it could be used to represent the area that they once lived in or that their ancestors did. but is it? no. this question can go either way. and i think the answer does that alot also. the majority of people that come across this will find that it leads to nothing but racism. nothing more nothing less

anyone see the movie, C.S.A. Confederate States of America? It was pretty good, it a movie that kind of goes over a what if the south won the war, and draws parallels to current history. I thought it was pretty interesting.

Itunes link.

It is in the eye of the beholder - whatever you think it is, it is to you.

That is what makes in controversial to this very day. Some people allow themselves to be bothered by something that the next person doesn’t care about.

Anybody offended by the black panther party and their history?

If so, get over it. The Confederate flag and the black panther logo are part of American History, if you’re offended by either, go sit in the corner and cry, then read the 1st amendment and consider getting a grip.

Umm how many people to do you see driving around pittsburgh with a blackpanther banner in there back window? Besides the topic was about the confederate flag. Honestly when i see one it doesnt bother me cause i dont pay attention to it. If i had to classify someone who had one though i prob would look at it as someone who is ignorant in some sort.(thats just from personal past experiences.) I think if we lived in the south it could be heritage but i bet 90% of the people around here have no clue as to what it really stands for.

all i know is i like the dukes of hazzard and bo and luke weren’t racist.

lol true. I used to watch that show faithfully

i think i’mma start flying the 13 stars flag because i hate the rest of the states. PA was an original 13 colonies so thats my heritage.

its a flag… get over it.