Confederate Flag - Get Rid of it?

I think Sharpton and asswipe Jackson need one hanging from both of they’re house porches.

I’m not so sure the south realizes the north won- even to this day.
It should be gotten rid of, and they can get rid of Busch beer while they are at it. We are One country not two.

The swaztika thing is interesting- If you ever have the chance walk into the ellicott square building. In tile on the floor on both sides (by the elevators) there are swaztika’s(sp?) it used to be a sign of good luck. Hmmm why would the headquarters of the erie county democratic party be in a building that has them on the floor. That always made me wonder.

My brother in law is proud to fly one…
Born and raised in WNY, but I think he wants to be a redneck.

But then again, he, his wife and 2 kids live in his father in laws house.
(They used to live in the basement)

Thats so true. Someone might have one hung up because their dad had it and gave it to their child on his deathbed. Now when the dad had it, the flag may have represented oppression and rebellion to him. Now that the child has it, they may hang it with pride to represent their father.

or to tell the black people who moved in down the street they’re not welcome, but you pick…

I’m sure the black family will say to each other “look at them respecting their heritage”

So anything that might offend should be banned, even if the people that it offends don’t bother finding out what the meaning of something is to the owner?

my first reply on page two.

it’s all about respect and honor.

The right to express your views openly, so long as they do not incite violence, is far more important than the feelings of anyone who may be offended.

agreed 100%, having the right to do something, and choosing to do something are very different.

I agree the historians make all to be about slavery because it always brings up controversy, but I general I think the flag itself reflects more southern life than anything…they use it sayin the south shall rise again, not hey were going to bring back slavery

that’s what it reflects to you, you have to look at things from the perspective of others who have been hurt and have reason to fear.

it’s the human thing to do.

Exactly, who cares.

Rise again? as in attack the North? isnt that called treason
Damn Hicks
We are one country and as such should have one flag

i dunno what they mean by it when they say it…i just know they say it

Remember the north had many more people fighting than the south did. The losses to the south was a much more direct hit to their families than most people in the north. Trace back your own family tree and see if anyone was in the civil war. Chances are much higher in the south than the north so they still feel kinda rash about the whole thing due to the losses hitting alot closer to home.