Olympic Patriotism


:fail: please lord tell me thats a PS

afraid not.

He is an idiot

ya know… hes only my boss for a couple more months… i cant wait

:picard: unbelievable.

and during the opening ceremonies every time the camera panned to him he was checking his watch or looking bored…



actually my friend did that to be a smart ass… and if you look closely at the OP pic… someone did that to be a douchebag… he had it right… although its funny, i couldnt imagine him being THAT dumb

I like the woman looking over like Srsly? Dude wtf.

That’s his daughter.

oh shit… i thought and hoped that someone may have PSd it and switched it around… after looking at his watch hand… and the part of laura bushs’ hair, from the original pic, vs the flipped one, and the below examples… he is infact… an idiot…


meh the one on my uniform looks like this… i dont see a problem


Yes that is true that uniforms have the flag backwards. I forget the symbolism behind it, but as it relates to a display of patriotism, most people would prefer the more traditional presentation.

All I can say is, it looked right to him.

you do kno the reason behind that right? and only one on your right arm should look like that.

its backwards because if it was the “proper way” the flag would be “flying” as if the army’s retreating…

if he had it upside down i’d say he’s an ass…

In his defense it probably looks correct facing him.

I just figured it was for when you look in the mirror. :simplemind:

Just look at the buttons on their shirts. No need for forensic science.

P.S. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, mens buttons are on the right side. Womens, the left.

P.P.S. So how many of you never knew that until now?

P.P.P.S you need to fix your ban button

P.P.P.S. how many womens shirts have you put on to notice that

So that’s 2 people that didn’t know. Anyone else like to comment?