Upside-down flag in protest of Obama, upsets neighbors


these old people had nothing better to do than make a big deal about something because wheel of fortune wasnt on yet.

what i dont get is when people say **** like this offends them.

for instance. would you be more or less offended if someone in line at the grocery store tapped you on the shoulder and said excuse me your child is extremely ugly and i feel ill by looking at it.

even if your child is a mongoloid you would still take offense to this comment.

now someone being completely impersonal flying a flag upside down in your neighborhood shouldnt make you so angry you call the police. its an excuse

if people called the cops for everything that “offended” them in a day 911 would be flooded with calls like

“this man in a jeep infront of me is offending me with his rainbow bumper sticker.” or “this girl at the mall had a bad word on her t shirt.”

people need to get used to not liking everything other people do. just becasue you do not like what they do doesnt mean you have any room to bitch because im sure someone feels the same way about something you do. :slight_smile: