Upside-down flag in protest of Obama, upsets neighbors

You telling me that being married to Hillary Clinton isn’t a form of execution?


i guess you dont know that flying the flag upside down is a sign of disrespect…

Of course they are. How white dudes are shooting black guys? It is always blacks shooting blacks. They got to be racist, right?

I dont get it. Take Cali as an example, they wanted rid of assult waepons they took them. All you guys runnig out buying now, so you can have them when they are banned are, IMO, idiots. If Barry is as bad as the right says, they are not only gonna be banned, they are going to be taken. So now your out $1000.00+ and your AR. Seems like good thinking to me.

I dont get it. Take Cali as an example, they wanted rid of assult waepons they took them. All you guys runnig out buying now, so you can have them when they are banned are, IMO, idiots. If Barry is as bad as the right says, they are not only gonna be banned, they are going to be taken. So now your out $1000.00+ and your AR. Seems like good thinking to me.

Yet another stupid post in this sea of stupid posts.

Maybe he wouldn’t want to give his up so easily?

Maybe it’ll be just like Clinton’s AWB- where preban weapons tripled in price? Seems like a smart move either way to me (though he should have had one already, intead of waiting until now).

I was actually being a tad sarcastic about buying the AR. I do not own any firearms, except for an old .22 tubular fed Ruger. You do raise a good point about the guns being taken but I don’t think that our government would be foolish enough to try to take them.

There are too many citizens that would be willing to kill or be killed to prevent them from just marching in and taking them away.

The confederate flag does not ONLY stand for racism. That is one message often associated with the flag, but it can also symbolize a “rebel” spirit, as well as pride in some of the positive cultural traditions and heritage of the Southern states.

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Sec. 3 reads
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

'cept we ain’t no Southern State 'an 'nat.
Is it an oxymoron to state “positive cultural traditions” and “Southern States” in the same sentence?


Serously though…who cares if some dude hangs his flag upside down. It’s a free country. Perhaps it’s the child who is rude and ignorant for not understanding what having a right to free speech and protest means. My hats off to the guy for launching a successful protest. Remember if you get pissed off and make a stink about a protest, then the protest has worked. If you ignore it, then it is unsuccessful.

Freedom of speech is not absolute.

One shot one kill. to be continued…

Americans get outraged over the stupidest things.

You can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater. Hanging a flag upside down is basically just an S.O.S.

no it isn’t, it’s a sign of distress. Which is pretty fitting considering the state of the US right now and the retard new president.

Flying the flag upside down is exactly that, a sign of distress. Is it slightly distasteful in this case? Yeah, probably. Does it warrant calling the police? Absolutely not.

Burning the flag is beyond distateful- it’s disgusting and is an insult to the veterans who’ve fought for our country. Does it warrant calling the police? Still no. Does it make the person doing it an asshole? Absolutely.

I agree 100%

I really fail to see how burning a piece of cloth is disrespectful to anyone. now, Bush ACTUALLY trampling on out rights and approving torture, IMHO, is where the actual disrespect is. Since it actually does harm our good name and standing in the world, whereas burning a piece of cloth really doesn’t.

if it is just any type of cloth, it’s not a big deal.

The correct way to dispose of a flag is to “unceremoniously” burn it. When a flag is burned to show hatred or disrespect, that is what I have a problem with.

Why? Why do you care what someone else thinks? How does it impact your life in any way whatsoever? I realize you’re all old and **** and probably really got the USA IS THE BEST OMG FREEDOM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN THESE COLORS DONT RUN DOWN WITH THE COMMIES blah blah blah indoctrination. I don’t get that though. I’m not proud to be an American. It’s the country that I happened to be born in. :dunno:

would u stfu & go to canada aready & stay the **** out of these threads u pos!

It’s just how I was raised. My family has a lot of people in the military and I guess it stems from that.

I am sorry you don’t like the USA. It may be pretty ****ty here at some times, but it’s a whole lot better than living anywhere else.