Urban Decay...

I’d like to do more of this someday, you see some interesting stuff on your feet. I made a lame ass attempt at getting some stuff, I need practice.

  1. I like this shot, I wish it didn’t come out blurry, but thats what I get for trying to take a shot at a stop light with one hand. It almost works blurry. Almost.

Should come to Buffalo for a shoot like this, more decay.

Shots look good, I like 8 the best I think.

too many are out of focus, i dont like the out of focus look

i understand where youre coming from tho, i think urban decay theme is great

really like number 7 and 11

I’d have to agree, the out of focus makes me a little sick, but in general looks great. I love shots of urban decay. Kinda cool and sad to think of how old the buildings are, what they were in the past and what they are presently.

ya i actually have some shots of decay type photos, not urban stuff, but old factory shots and damn are they awesome!

u gotta do this stuff in black and white tho, there is exceptions but i think the B&W are the best overall

i actually have them on a flashdrive that just died, trying to recover the files, i’ll know in 15 hours if they will be safe or not =/ have alot of good photos on that !

You’ll definitely have to post them, man.

the first couple arent all that great IMO but they get better, some neat stuff

#9 speaks volumes. Fantastic.

I don’t mean to come across to harsh but the first 4 would be in my recycle bin, being oof and motion blurred. The rest are pretty awesome though. I like how your pchopped the meters out of image 10 ;). 12 is the best one in my opinion because I love shallow DOF!

funny i was just going to mention that picture. i know that spot

Albany sure does have alot of shitty buildings for a photo shoot like this.

Thanks guys.

Naw, not harsh at all. I like the shot so much I had to post it, I was pissed when I saw it was blurry. Number 1 would have been perfect if it wasnt blurry. In number 10, no parking meters were PS’d, :thumbup

cool pics man!!

they must have removed them because we were just there the other night taking a few shots and 2 meters were in the spot you shot, and would be right in the picture on the right and left edges.

Imperfections are not visible through KillerBlackbird’s lenses, Mk4 30R. This has already been established.

idiot, you dont even know what is being discussed.

It’s really not a complicated conversation, I’m fully aware of what is being discussed. The parking meters (existent or not) are imperfections, therefore, KillerBlackbird’s camera doesn’t see them.

Not a fan of the blurry pics, but the rest are awesome…

And seriously BW, can you ever not come off like a “know it all”? REALLY, SERIOUSLY.