Miata 320 up, 99 down
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The world’s highest selling 2-seat convertible sports car, as recognized by Guiness World Records. Arguably the best handling car on the road today.
The Miata will kick the pants off just about anything in a curve! Turbocharge it and it’ll kick the pants off just about anything no matter where!
Miata 68 up, 309 down
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A car. Only faggots drives it. People who think small cars are cool because they have a small engine like their small dick to match with it. MAZDA company even said they made miatas to attract girls, and no, not to get girls, but for girls to DRIVE IT. BASICALLY, a car made for girls ONLY. If you are caught driving it then you must be gay or really happy to be a faggot.
Also, one of the top best selling gay cars in the world.
Compare volkswagon (Also for fags as well)
I saw eight faggots hopped out of a red miata mx-5 and then they went into 24hr fitness and started working out in the corner while making homosexual sounds to each other.