Urinal cake advertising?

since when? i mean seriously, theres nothing more awkward than a urinal cake telling you “Over 50? Check up on your prostate now. AIM FOR A CURE!!”

whoever came up with this idea is a genius. lol

I would have taken a picture, but that would be very awkward snapping a picture of the urinal at a sporting event with a bunch of dudes standing behind me.

at HSBC arena right? haha

yeah…i was there for the bandits game yesterday…all the guys standing at the urinals were cracking jokes about it everytime i went in there.

hahaha i have a picture of when i was at florida taking a piss of a umpire saying " are you striking out at the urinal? " idk why it was there but i found that funny

Me- “I’m aiming for a cure!”
Random Guy- “Did you find one yet?”
Me- “…nope, still aiming, but i think i have prostate cancer now.”

LOLOLOL this was in a movie i just watched.

“I love you, man”

Yes it’s a chick flick but it’s funny

^ hilarious movie