USA tasers = attention. CANADA tasers= death

Story Highlights
Man died after Canadian police shot him at Vancouver Airport on October 14

Polish immigrant became agitated after being left waiting at airport for 10 hours

Flight was first time he had been on a plane; he spoke no English

Incident, captured on video by a bystander, is being investigated by authorities

his mom is like

“a tasor iz, aa p… people killa”

haha priceless

They sure it didn’t have something to do with the cop that kneeled on the guys neck and the other one kneeling on his spine?

Moral of the story, don’t throw computers in airports, even friendly Canadian airports.

don’t tase me bro.


Story Highlights
Man died after Canadian police shot him at Vancouver Airport on October 14

Polish immigrant became agitated after being left waiting at airport for 10 hours

Flight was first time he had been on a plane; he spoke no English

Incident, captured on video by a bystander, is being investigated by authorities


How many pollock does it take to screw in a light bulb in an airport?

I dont know they keep dying!

Too soon??


How many pollock does it take to screw in a light bulb in an airport?

I dont know they keep dying!

Too soon??



should have been more like… “One, except now, you just put a lightbulb in the pollock’s mouth”

US tasers = taser party for soccer moms.

Whos gonna assualt that ugly broad


Whos gonna assualt that ugly broad


didnt you get a bj from her?