Spoiled college kid getting tasered... vol 2


At what point will these douchebags learn that when it’s you vs 5 cops and you refuse to do what they say it’s only going to get worse.

I honestly lol’d when he cried like a little girl at the end though.

I have to give the cops credit for using restraint. As soon as the little prick called me “bro” I would have hit him with the taser.

I love it when people resist arrest. It was clear the kid was just there to make a scene and be an ass, when they asked him to leave the first time he should have cooperated and just left. Now he’s probably being formerly charged and I get an entertaining video.

I don’t like that it was 2 scenes, but what I really don’t understand is why they tried to get him to stop talking in the first place.

The thing I dislike about tasers is that they’re designed to incapacitate so the subject can be overtaken not to calm someone down.

haha, that was funny

well there goes freedom of speech…

they had him pinned down by several people…taser was completely unnecessary…

nevertheless, his reaction was funny.

So going to college makes you spoiled now? Too bad I didn’t know that before. Guess I better drop out and apply at McDonalds right away…

But anyway getting people arrested when you can’t deal with their questions FTW (even if they are being obnoxious) :bloated:

No, feeling entitled to completely dominate a question and answer session after repeated requests to stop, after going over your alloted time limit and then being confrontational when your microphone is shut off and refusing to leave the premises after said confrontation makes you a spoiled douche.

They should have just dragged him out(between the 5 people there, it should have been easy), not sure the taser was needed. I would have expected it though.

Dominating the question and answering session was not part of the video I watched. For all you know there could have been plenty of kids asking questions before the video started.

I saw one request to stop by some women and then the police start dragging the kid away. Granted it seems viable to remove the kid from the auditorium but the video is so vague and choppy we have no idea if they actually told the kid on what legal grounds he was being arrested.

But whatever last I checked anyone can be confrontational, saying someone is spoiled because they were acting in that manner sounds ignorant.

wow those cops should get fucked…

You have 5-6 cops on someone and then taser him :lol:


That’s where the spoiled comment came from. Going to college is great, I did it, it’s why I can afford the life I have. But it doesn’t give you the right to be a total ass like that guy and not expect there to be consequences.

He was asked to stop so Kerry could speak, he didn’t.
His microphone was shut off, he started yelling.
He was asked to leave, he refused.
He was escorted out, he resisted.
He was told to stop resisting or he would be tased, he continued resisting.

I’m sorry, but assholes like that deserve the taser, or better yet, the night stick. He had 5 different opportunities to have this end peacefully but chose otherwise. Like most young liberals, he confused “free speech” with “the right to be as obnoxious as I want and ignore authorities who tell me otherwise”. It’s a Q&A session, not your turn to get on the soapbox and turn it into “The Liberal Douche Hour”. I’m sure that college paid JK a pretty penny to come speak, and if you want to interupt that event it is their right to remove you.

As for the “they should just drag him out”, that’s not procedure because it’s dangerous. You cuff him, then you remove him. Once cuffed there is no chance he can grab for an officer’s gun, mace or taser, or pull a weapon of his own. Sure, they could keep wrestling with him and force the cuffs on, but then he’ll be suing for bruises and dislocated joints. The beauty of the taser is it’s effects are only felt when it’s in use and it’s why so many departments have and use them.

You don’t listen… you gonna get shocked. Meh.

true, guy screaming at the end was pretty funny tho… i would of been doing the same tho :lol:

The video cut out to shorten the length of the video. It said he asked several questions including something about impeaching bush and if bush & kerry were members of a “Secret society skull and bones” at yale. The video paused and time jumped to shorten it so you miss a lot of it. Read the article that goes with it and use some common sense douche bags.

You fucking people who are always like “ooooOO the cops abused him” piss me off.

Kids should get spanked, this fuckface probably never was, I’m glad the cops tazered his disrespectful ass.

On a side note : Right or wrong, you fucking listen to cops.

Everything seemed to be going just fine, he was acting a bit crazy and what-not, but he was letting them escort him out. Then out of no where he breaks their grip and makes a run for a high profile political figure. At that point I think the cops were justified to beat/taser the fuck out of him. You dont fuck around when a high profile target is in the area.

If the cops had been pussies and let him prance around, and out of his waistband he pulls a gun…Well then everyone would fault the police for not doing their job.

So yea, was it a bit excessive? maybe, but Kerry isnt some schmuck of the street. He deserves the protection his status deems necessary

i think this has alot to do with why people see a fuzzy line between excessive and justified.

it doesnt matter who was there. the reason the order of operations for officers is in place deals with protecting the person under arrest/detention, the officers, and the people around the situation, no matter who they are.

he deserved the taser, end of story.

it doesnt even hurt that bad, it just makes you immediately question your decisions leading up to that point.

more footage, different angle…

Im not totally for tazing, it is more dangerous than people think. The effects of being tazed are potentially fatal, def. less fatal than a 9mm to the face, but still possibly fatal.

From this angle you can see he was under control and perhaps even cuffed before being tazed. That’s where I see it as excessive, if someone is handcuffed face down, there is no reason to taze them, its no longer being used as a compliance tool. At that point its just punishment.

Exactly. The officer CLEARLY said “stop resisting or YOU WILL GET TASERED” … She said that more then once. Little faggot kept squirming.

Cops tell you to do something you do it. What the were the cops supposed to do, wrestle with the kid for 20 minutes???

In Canada or Europe, the kid would get a knee to the face and get bounced off a cop car a few times. Pathetic whiney pussy.

You know what you just simply don’t see enough of?
I remember watching a show about modern weapons and they showed a “sound” gun that blasted waves of sound that made you vomit, shit, and piss uncontrollably.
That would have been more effective I think.:lol:
The best part is that there are no lasting effects, as soon as the sound stops so do the symptoms.
Embarassment is a great weapon.