Student at UCLA Tazered

I took this from another forum

This link might be considered NWS. A student yesterday was tazered yesterday at UCLA. He was asked to show his ID when in the library, and when the police asked him to leave, he started to, then they grabbed his arm and he start yelling at them to get off of him, and after a minute or so of him yelling for them to get off of him, he got tazered. Many students witnessed this and asked for badge numbers and names of the officers, to which the those students were threatened to be tazered as well. The student was tazered a minimum of 2 times, possibly more. This is fucked up. He didn’t do anything to harm anyone.


I’m sure there was more to it than that. Looking at the video now.

After watching the video. He deserved to be tasered for the way he was acting.

I don’t know… He was noncompliant but I think they went to far, he said he would leave they could have just stood there and made sure he left rather than grab him and then tazer him…

Another thing I noticed is that they sounded like idiots screaming at him to get up immediatly after they tazed the shit out of him, I wasn’t aware that you would be able to get up after something like that. But anyway this is why I said discuss.

EDIT: about the not being real police officers I forgot UCLA was a state school.

agreed. its his own fault.

how come he didnt get up and leave then?

what is wrong with this generation of people who are totally non-compliant with the orders of a POLICE OFFICER? :gotme: Then all they do it complain and whine about getting tazed, whats your badge # etc. Bitch get back to studying and mind your own business. I would have tazed that kid 3 or 4 times for sure.

well heres how i see it;

First off, just leave…or show them your ID.

Just comply after they have tazed you. Don’t scream at them, or verbally abuse you. Don’t fight back. Don’t call them “mother fuckers”.

All I can say is… Good thing it appears that one officer was black, one officer was white, and one officer was asian. That way only 1/3 can get sued for civil rights violations. :stuck_out_tongue:

i laughed, the kid totally deserved it. maybe he should get checked out by the psych ward…

Fucking patriot act.

God I hate this current generation that is in college. Generation KY or what ever the fuck they call themselves.

Show the cop the slightest amount of respect by simply showing your ID or leaving and none of this would have happened. If I’m a cop and I have a weapon like a taser I’m going to use it over getting into a physical altercation every time.

Besides, lighting up liberal douchebags like that guy with a few thousand volts is fun and enjoyable.

What you seem to be missing is the fact that the video started only after the confrontation escalated to yelling. He very well may have been walking quietly out before this started, maybe he told the cops to fuck themselves as he was leaving which is perfectly fine to do btw.

The facts stated in the original post sound reasonable enough to me, I’m sure the kid made a comment to the cops and they grabbed him to intimidate him or something, at that point the situation elevated to yelling and the rest is on tape.


UCPD officers shot a student several times with a Taser inside the Powell Library CLICC computer lab late Tuesday night before taking him into custody.

No university police officers were available to comment further about the incident as of 3 a.m. Wednesday, and no Community Service Officers who were on duty at the time could be reached.

At around 11:30 p.m., CSOs asked a male student using a computer in the back of the room to leave when he was unable to produce a BruinCard during a random check. The student did not exit the building immediately.

The CSOs left, returning minutes later, and police officers arrived to escort the student out. By this time the student had begun to walk toward the door with his backpack when an officer approached him and grabbed his arm, at which point the student told the officer to let him go. A second officer then approached the student as well.

The student began to yell “get off me,” repeating himself several times.

It was at this point that the officers shot the student with a Taser for the first time, causing him to fall to the floor and cry out in pain. The student also told the officers he had a medical condition.

UCPD officers confirmed that the man involved in the incident was a student, but did not give a name or any additional information about his identity.

Video shot from a student’s camera phone captured the student yelling, “Here’s your Patriot Act, here’s your fucking abuse of power,” while he struggled with the officers.

As the student was screaming, UCPD officers repeatedly told him to stand up and said “stop fighting us.” The student did not stand up as the officers requested and they shot him with the Taser at least once more.

“It was the most disgusting and vile act I had ever seen in my life,” said David Remesnitsky, a 2006 UCLA alumnus who witnessed the incident.

As the student and the officers were struggling, bystanders repeatedly asked the police officers to stop, and at one point officers told the gathered crowd to stand back and threatened to use a Taser on anyone who got too close.

Laila Gordy, a fourth-year economics student who was present in the library during the incident, said police officers threatened to shoot her with a Taser when she asked an officer for his name and his badge number.

Gordy was visibly upset by the incident and said other students were also disturbed.

“It’s a shock that something like this can happen at UCLA,” she said. “It was unnecessary what they did.”

Immediately after the incident, several students began to contact local news outlets, informing them of the incident, and Remesnitsky wrote an e-mail to Interim Chancellor Norman Abrams.

Agreed. We cannot very well make any sort of judgements without seeing what went down prior…

ugh, how disappointing.

I clicked on this thread again because i saw you posted and couldn’t wait to see how biased of an opinion you had. disappointed.

Well, by the account of the person that thinks the cops are in the wrong:

Person the computer lab with no ID refuses to leave when cops first approach.
-So right there, the cops have every right to remove the kid. But they don’t. They leave for some reason that really isn’t relevant either way.

The cops return, the kid is still there.
-Walking to the door, walking around the lab, again irrelevant. He’s still trespassing since he has no ID proving he has a right to be there. The cops have every right at that point to take said person by the arm and make sure he does indeed leave the premises.

The guy then starts screaming let go of me.
-The cops have no legal obligation to let go. The kid lost his chance to leave without an escort when he refused to earlier. Let the cop lead you out by the arm and move on.

At this point the video takes over. Had it shown him getting beaten or shot, ok, I’ll buy the excessive force thing. But the kid got shocked by a taser after acting like the rules didn’t apply to him. Tough shit, take your shock, maybe learn a lesson, and move on.

mother fucking cops. i hate cops. i’ll bet it was that goddamn nigger cop who blasted that noble white gentleman. seriously, if there is one thing i hate more than cops it’s minorities who are cops. they should all burn in the fire of a wholesome christian hell, next to those goddamn jews who killed our lord. Of course, I disagree with what that student said about the patriot act. That is a very important part of our government to keep us safe fROM THOSE TOWEL HEAD FAGGOTS WHO try to kill our women because they think that they will go to some sort of heaven filled with virgins but they are all going straight to hell.

Even though hitler killed some people he isn’t in hell because he killed those goddamn jews and he had some good ideas too! Like killing the jews.

i laughed my ass off. his screaming was so funny.

there is no way anyone can make any judgement on this video. he is why:

who screams about a patriot act when you have been “wrongly” tasered? last thing on my mind i garuntee. seems like a setup from that aspect.

how many officers were there? 4 by my count. someone gets tasered twice, maybe more and they are gonna be pretty limp about stuff. 2 officers can carry his ass out

did the video seem to be a little long to be a cam phone? i have never recorded video with mine so i have no scope.

but man him screaming was funny. these taser videos get funnier everytime

You are only going to read and see what the media wants you to see.

I’m sure 90% of this forum has seen the Rodney King video. Or what they think is the “rodney king video”. What the media presented as “the rodney king video” was infact a 30 second clip…of poor defenseless Rodney King, getting his ass beat.

What they didn’t show you or tell you…was the prior 10 minutes cut out of the videos of the cops struggling to get cuffs on him, getting him subdued, and him hitting numerous officers. Not to mention the high amounts PCP and Coke, he was high on.

you are skewing the story a bit as it was reported above…may be the case, but thats not how it is reported. try again