"When CBS News Correspondent Wyatt Andews first started looking into police use of the TASER stun gun a year ago, the weapon had been connected to more than 40 deaths. "
I’ve also seen estimates as high as 74 deaths, it is a decent electrical shock, administered enough times it could, COULD, cause damage…As I’ve already said, way less damage than a 9mm.
I’ve never seen that article, thanks. The research that I found was in line with what TASER discusses in that article. My understanding is that the heart operates on a much higher frequency, and won’t recognize the signal from a TASER. If someone was on the brink, or high…who knows if that applies.
tasers should be illegal for cops or legal for the rest of us
Yes that guy was a spoiled liberal idiot. But they were out of line. Using law enforcement to suppress the public, it’s disgusting. I’m glad you approve JayS, thats part of the white house’s agenda.
It is suppressing the first amendment, it is unecessary, god look at the size of two of them. All of those officers deserve disciplinary action. You know they had a thing called the Gestapo for doing this kind of thing.
They weren’t trying to suppress his ideas or thoughts. He was clearly abusing the forum given. Should they have let him take up the entire forum, just because he didn’t want to leave?