Spoiled college kid getting tasered... vol 2


more footage, different angle…

Im not totally for tazing, it is more dangerous than people think. The effects of being tazed are potentially fatal, def. less fatal than a 9mm to the face, but still possibly fatal.

From this angle you can see he was under control and perhaps even cuffed before being tazed. That’s where I see it as excessive, if someone is handcuffed face down, there is no reason to taze them, its no longer being used as a compliance tool. At that point its just punishment.


I couldnt tell whether or not he was cuffed he may have been. If he was then it was excessive but if he wasnt then he cleary needed to be sub dued so he got what he deserved.

I didn’t see anything wrong with asking his questions. He was just using “triple forte” to get his point across.

Kerry had no problem answering and agreeing with his questions.

Polo shirt = rich?

I didn’t understand whats so rich about baggy shorts, a polo, and a video camera.

It’s also your right for most of you to shut the fuck up.


as far as im concerned, if your not acting peacefully while being arrested, you deserve to be tazed

i dont care if your feet and hands are cuffed, you can still headbutt a cop in the face if you wanted to… so therefor i can see why cops tazer people that are resisting in any way, at any point during the arrest

if you cant act civil, prepare to be screaming like a bitch in some way


You know what you just simply don’t see enough of?
I remember watching a show about modern weapons and they showed a “sound” gun that blasted waves of sound that made you vomit, shit, and piss uncontrollably.
That would have been more effective I think.:lol:
The best part is that there are no lasting effects, as soon as the sound stops so do the symptoms.
Embarassment is a great weapon.


Haha, I remember that. Screw mind control this is where it’s at. :lol:

they told him to stop resisting

he didn’t

taser FTW


Im not totally for tazing, it is more dangerous than people think. The effects of being tazed are potentially fatal, def. less fatal than a 9mm to the face, but still possibly fatal.


^^^ Please explain. I did a research project on stun guns in college, from which I learned them to have no long term effects.

The kid was clearly being an asshat. I agree that as soon as he resisted the direction of the officers, he’s open game. That giant black officer should have broken his arm! I bet that kid makes himself a victim every day.

"When CBS News Correspondent Wyatt Andews first started looking into police use of the TASER stun gun a year ago, the weapon had been connected to more than 40 deaths. "

I’ve also seen estimates as high as 74 deaths, it is a decent electrical shock, administered enough times it could, COULD, cause damage…As I’ve already said, way less damage than a 9mm.

^^^ and how many people would have died if they had to use their batons on everyone they have used tazers on ?

how many people would have died if they had to chokehold those people they instead tazered ?

how many people would have died if they had to SHOOT those people they instead tazered ?

how many people would have died if some of those people who got tazered DIDNT get tazered and wound up getting into a car and leading the police on a high speed chase ?

how many of those 50-73 tazer deaths WOULDNT have happened if everyone just acted reasonable while being arrested, and therefore cops didnt need to tazer people ?

they acted like fools
they had to be tazed
they died

#3 is a direct result of #1

Of those taser deaths I’d love to know how many were borderline ODing before they were tasered. I remember the one guy in the news last year who died after being tasered was about 250lbs overweight.

What I’m getting at is how many of those deaths would have occurred no mater what physical method of restraint was used?

and i want a comparison to how many people die in the back seat of a cop car after they are peacefully arrested and not victims of police brutality in any way

people stroke out all the time, shit happens
some people are arrested while their body is shutting down from an OD
some people that get arrested just did a drunken drive thru of a gaurdrail and the wambulance hasnt arrived yet …

… just because these people got tazed wile they were already dieing doesnt mean the tazer killed them

tasers should be illegal for cops or legal for the rest of us

Yes that guy was a spoiled liberal idiot. But they were out of line. Using law enforcement to suppress the public, it’s disgusting. I’m glad you approve JayS, thats part of the white house’s agenda.

It is suppressing the first amendment, it is unecessary, god look at the size of two of them. All of those officers deserve disciplinary action. You know they had a thing called the Gestapo for doing this kind of thing.

how can anyone justify being tazed in that situation…

i hope he sues and gets lots of tax payer money, but only from the tax payers who think tazing him was a good idea.



"When CBS News Correspondent Wyatt Andews first started looking into police use of the TASER stun gun a year ago, the weapon had been connected to more than 40 deaths. "

I’ve also seen estimates as high as 74 deaths, it is a decent electrical shock, administered enough times it could, COULD, cause damage…As I’ve already said, way less damage than a 9mm.


I’ve never seen that article, thanks. The research that I found was in line with what TASER discusses in that article. My understanding is that the heart operates on a much higher frequency, and won’t recognize the signal from a TASER. If someone was on the brink, or high…who knows if that applies.


tasers should be illegal for cops or legal for the rest of us

Yes that guy was a spoiled liberal idiot. But they were out of line. Using law enforcement to suppress the public, it’s disgusting. I’m glad you approve JayS, thats part of the white house’s agenda.

It is suppressing the first amendment, it is unecessary, god look at the size of two of them. All of those officers deserve disciplinary action. You know they had a thing called the Gestapo for doing this kind of thing.


They weren’t trying to suppress his ideas or thoughts. He was clearly abusing the forum given. Should they have let him take up the entire forum, just because he didn’t want to leave?

Not that I agree or disagree with the tazing…

But most of you are assuming that just because the police officers were yelling “stop resisting”, he was resisting…

FYI, it is common practice for officers to be trained to always yell this while apprehending someone regardless of what is actually happening. They do this specifically to cover their ass so most people will ASSUME the subject was resisting.

ROFL they were charging the kid with inciting a riot. That’s fucking laughable. There has to be an act of violence to get charged for something like that. They can’t viably charge you for opinions/ideals if they aren’t violent, even if they are obnoxious.

EDIT: He does however sound like a dumbass with the “they are gonna kill me stuff” that I will admit…

see sig

I really hate FL

And then the sounds of looping of the same sounds.

full version here, cnn cut a lot of it out

It’s a sad day when it takes five police officers and a taser to “gain control” of one unarmed handcuffed guy.

I can’t say I didn’t laugh when he got tasered, :mamoru: but bottom line the cops went way overboard. They had him on the ground, the one cop was practically kneeling on him, he wasn’t going anywhere. :gotme: