USAIR vs Ruoedolf

Back when I was a mechanic for usair we had a plane hit a deer in Charlotte. Check these pics out

mmmm k

pretty gross

:yum: eurodad make some jerky

Nice. Now back to my Hot Pocket.

i love venison jerkey. buffalo and ostrich are good too.

Ostrich burgers kick ass

buffalo burgers kick ass, almost no fat, no grease, and they don’t shrink when you cook them.


pappy’s on the Summit! :yum:

MY chicken nuggets are returning to the surface…

That thing had a nice rack! Shit, 10 or 11pt… I woulda taken it right there and had it mounted!

That deer made me alot of money I got to work tons of overtime for about three weeks.

i just wacked two more bunnies, i was thinking about trying to make some from them. :nuts:

OVERATED clap clap clapclapclap

Any idea how fast they were going when they hit that? That messed up the jet and the deer more than I would thought it would for being a regional jet.