VAGCOM, Data logging, Tuning, 10% Ethanol Fuel Questions.

On the plus side its keeping everyones fuel systems sqeaky clean. I dont buy injector cleaner any more… waste of money


If you like corn on the cob you can expect that to double in price.

As consumers, the cheaper gallon/gas is eliminated as you get less MPG. I haven’t done the math but I’d suspect is probably worse or near worse.

But, think beyond the box. The Corn lobbyist got their wish but the rising costs of corn affect other things. Think of ALL of the other products used by corn including feeding cattle. Do you like steak/ Have you noticed the increased grocery costs lately?

What else are we going to run our fuel consuming internal combustion engines on when there is no more gasoline? We are all going to end up driving electric cars to work and breaking out the corn fueled toys on the weekends.

There are alternative fuels but when you have a gov’t admin in bed with oil companies, it’s not that much of a priority.

Yup… agreed

That’s how I imagine it. It might seem odd now, but in a not too distant future when you drive your “classic 90’s” car on the road you will seem like a novelty and be considered as much of a pollutant in general population’s eye as we consider the old muscle cars to be now.

Internial combustion engine will seem to have similar respect as steam powered engines have now.

Internal combustion technology has come a long way. It will probably always be around in the form of bio diesel hybrid freight trucks or something similar. Forgeting to plug in your car at night would suck. I cant even remember to charge my damn cell phone.

bicycles ftw


I think this will generate a whole new discussion and I’ll split it up.

However gas stations would start going out of business… rapidly. Since most of the pupulation will no longer have a need to go and “fill up”, however I would assume AAA and other emergency assistance business would boom.

We should be heating the peak within a decade.

huhhh, ohh sorry my jetta… ya this reply is past due. ohh well