E85 seasonal mix

Anyone have a Zeitronix (or some other system) that has a recent ethanol content % on the Mobil by Keeler on Rte.7?

I’m itching to make the change back from 93-octane, but i don’t wanna change until I’m sure it’s over 80%.


Saw someone say that its been over 80 for quite some time.


recent test toward the bottom of that page

I tested it there a month ago and it was 88%, highest I’ve found in the area. I’ve been running it since without any issues in my car.

I was planning on testing it again soon just to see where it is now.

Anyone ever tested to see how accurate those test-tubes are? I’ve seen them read as high as the low 90’s on some other forums which has made me a little skeptical. Not sure it’s warranted, just asking.

i’d say that the test tube works perfect… had no issues last year… I only used the mobil across from keeler to fill up… travis loves his high priced gauge but a few % -/+ i dont think will cause any issues. My car is getting the proefi ecu as we speak and that comes with its own reader so I will no longer need the test tube…

that station is going to read the same for another couple months… I fulled a drum up at the end of last years season and it was still mid 80’s

I use both the test tube and the Zeitronix. The test tube is 100% accurate when used properly. If you don’t fill each fluid to it’s proper line, the reading is going to be a little off. I personally use a syringe to fill it to ensure proper readings.