Valet Parkers

Hey guys, I haven’t bumped this thread in a while but we’re looking for a few more valets. We have shifts literally all day every day, from 6am to midnight and we’re quite flexible. If anyone is interested in full time or part time hours just for extra cash, or knows someone who’s interested shoot me a PM :tup:

Please read the following requirements:

  • Must be 20+ years old (18 years old ONLY IF you can provide former employment references)
  • Must have a clean driving record (insurance company checks)
  • Must be able to pass random drug tests & background check (insurance requirement)
  • Must have your own, reliable transportation
  • Professional Look (no extensive piercing, wacky colored or styled hair, tattoos that can’t be covered, etc.)
  • Must be in good physical shape (running required)
  • Must have a good temperament and be comfortable dealing with customers face-to-face

The amount that you’ll work & where you’ll work will depend on your availability, personal reliability & level of service. We have locations all over the area but obviously I won’t know where I can use you until after you’re trained.

PM me your full name and phone number and I’ll give you a call with more details. :tup:

damn, wish i could jump in on this. unfortunately my ankle is still fairly sore from breaking it, and hinders me from running/fast walking.

If my girlfriend is working NYE I will do this for ya. Is the training (6+ hours) paid??

I just passed a drug test last week, for the second time, for the Government so I’m all set there for ya!

I also worked as a lot guy at Northtown Toyota for 2 years back in 1999-2001 so I know how to get cars parked.

What locations are you looking to get extra help at?

Good guy to work for. :tup:

Hopefully you can find some reliable people. GL

I can’t say where you’ll work until I know how good you are and you pass training. And we’re still lining up places / parties.

:tup: good opportunity right here to make some of you $$$ back from all the holiday spending. i can vouch for this being a good opportunity and you will def have fun and make some cash along the way.

I will be out of town for that weekend of training, but would still like to do this. If you find you are short staffed and I could train either that monday or tuesday, let me know!

:tup: for Josh. Not that it really needs to be said. Brought in some valuable extra funds when I was working weekends for him. If I was going to be in town, to bad!

really 20 years old y is that? im 18?

nice Josh!

unfortunately i have a life!

i kid!

Insurance, skill, responsibility, any number of issues I’d guess.

ok :frowning:

Indeed, issues that have been dealt with a number of times, responsibility and skill being the top ones.

NYSpeed where else are you going to find 20 years who have nothing better to do on newyears :tup:

and josh’s employees, are nothing but TOP NOTCH FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE

or LZ’s phone book ayoooooooo


would you let them park the TL?

He would and he did.

yep, seen it the other night… and really guys this a good way to get some extra cash.